Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2046: She will not object (1)

Nemo didn't look that way, muttering, "It's hard to say ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Yin Shaojie's long legs.

I rely!

Can you see it so accurately?

Nemo stooped and rubbed the place where the kick hurt.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mood calmed down, thinking about what Yin Shaoji just said.

"Yeah, dad hasn't said it yet ... maybe we're just thinking about it ..."

She always felt that Dad would not just forget his love for his mother.

Looking for a mother's substitute?

She was not so sure about this.

Nemo Dangerlang was sitting on the sofa locally, sliding his finger on the touch screen of the laptop, watching Shen Meiling's information.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced over and saw a photo.

"Yes, who is that girl next to her?"

Shen Meiling is only 29 years old, can't have such a big daughter?

This girl looks almost the same size as Mu Xiaoxiao.

"You mean this?" Nemo pointed to the photo, the girl who took a photo with Shen Meiling, and the two looked very close.

"Um." Mu Xiao nodded, this girl is the fly girl she met in the restaurant.

Nemo looked at the information and snorted, and said, "This woman's name is Shen Chuchu, and Shen Meiling's niece, who has just turned sixteen. Don't look at the young age, but you can play. I came to the United States for a year and I paid it. Many boyfriends, all of them Americans, seem to have a lot of thought. "

While talking, he called up Shen Chuchu's information and turned it to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the photo and was shocked.

"Is this her?"

There are two kinds of photos on the materials, one is from Shen Chuchu in China, and the other is from Shen Chuchu.

The domestic photos look plain and ordinary girls.

As soon as she arrived abroad, she suddenly changed. She was only 16 years old. She was very well-dressed and charming.

Nemo whispered, "So, makeup is really the most amazing invention of the 21st century, and it can turn any ugly girl into a beauty."

In fact, Shen Chuchu is not ugly, it is just a more ordinary girl.

Nemo said, "Her family is not good. She can study in the United States thanks to Shen Meiling's funding. She currently lives in school and only returns to Shen Meiling's home on weekends."

Mu Xiaoxiao saw that the information also stated that when Shen Chuchu first came to the United States, he had done **** for money.

She suddenly stunned.

Nemo said with a look of scorn, "This woman is quite clever. She spends all the money she has earned, and soon catches the rich, and then finds the rich one after another. It ’s nice to be social, and to put it bluntly, her boyfriends will play in the circle, and if she gets tired of it, she will give her some money or give her away to friends. "

Yin Shaoji listened to his description, frowned, and motioned to Nimo with a cold voice, "Well, don't show this to Xiaoxiao."

This kind of dirty things can be said to be common in some circles.

But he didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to know this.

Just hearing this, he felt that he would stain his little ones.

Mu Xiaoxiao listened to what he had just said, which was a bit difficult to digest.

She never thought that the fly girl was such a person.

After all, Shen Chuchu, seen today, although he has makeup, is not as charming as in these photos.

Still looking pretty girl.

Who would have thought that in private ...

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