Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2057: His favorite person (4)

So, Shen Meiling knew that she looked a bit like her mother because of this, and then she made herself more like her?

Mu Zhengbai seemed to know what she was thinking.

He said, "I investigated her later, and her identity was not suspicious, it was just a chance encounter."

Mu Xiaoxiao poked his lips.


Who knows if it is purposeful.

After experiencing so many things with Yin Shaojie, Mu Xiaoxiao now sees things and guesses all kinds of bad possibilities.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow and asked, "Did someone set the fire on purpose when their house was burned this time?"

Mu Zhengbai said, "This police will check."

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and asked, "So ... would you like them to live in our house temporarily?"

Leaving aside her mother's resemblance, Mu Xiaoxiao's impression of her was pretty good for Shen Meiling's short-term contact.

But at the beginning of Shen, the appearance was different, and it was very offensive to see that their family had money.

Mu Zhengbai said, "You don't want them to live at home, then you can't."

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that Mu Zhengbai had no dislike for Shen Meiling, and meant to help each other.

Maybe it's because Shen Meiling looks like a mother, or it's because she considers Shen Meiling as a friend.

Mu Xiaoxiao calmed down and pursed his lips.

"Then ... will they have no other friends or relatives to ask for help?"

Mu Zhengbai thought for a while and said, "Shen Meiling's circle is very simple, she doesn't have many friends, and her family is not in the United States. So she and her niece, and she spent a lot of savings to support her In their case, this kind of thing is really a big problem for them. "

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's expression of struggle and hesitation, he reached out and rubbed her head.

"I said, you don't want them to live at home, so don't live, I'll let someone arrange their accommodation elsewhere."

"Um." Mu Xiao nodded.

This arrangement is also good.

Although she didn't like Shen Chuchu, it was pretty good to listen to Shen Meiling, and it was pitiful for others to encounter such a terrible thing. Knowing one, you ca n’t leave it alone, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao took Mu Zhengbai's hand and went downstairs.

After talking, she was not as expressionless as she was just now, but restored her lively smile.

In the restaurant, Shen Meiling and Shen Chuchu are having a meal.

"Aunt, why are you so stupid? You see how uncle Mu's family is so rich, so many servants are waiting, let us stay here, and it won't bother us anymore, we have no money now, where can we go? Live? "

"Well, I can't do it if I say no, I will find a way where I live, and you will live in school temporarily."

"Aunt ~ I'm worried about you. I can go back to school. What do you do? How can I bear to see you suffer alone?"

"Hurry up and eat, you should leave after eating, you can't always disturb others."

When Shen Chuchu heard this, his face pulled down.

"No, I won't go, I will live here."

"Chuchu!" Shen Meiling frowned, trying to be serious to her, but this pair of Shen Chuchu was useless.

"I don't care, I'm going to live at Uncle Mu's! You can leave if you want."

Listening to this conversation, Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes.

This Chu Chuchu is really shameless to the top.

She smiled at Mu Zhengbai and said, "Dad, I changed my mind and let them stay in our house temporarily."

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