Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2058: Dedicated shameless (1)

Mu Zhengbai was surprised, "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded, his bright eyes flashed with a demon-like light.

Isn't Shen Chuchu?

See how I kill you!

Mu Xiaoxiao hasn't felt this kind of excitement because he wants to tidy people for a long time.

By the time she walked past her father's hand, the smile on her face had converged.

"Cough!" She coughed intentionally.

Shen Chuchu, who was talking, noticed her, closed her mouth immediately, and lowered her head for breakfast.

Shen Meiling saw the two coming, and wondered if they had heard what Shen Chuchu had just said unreasonably, and smiled a little awkwardly.

"Mr. Mu, little, have you had breakfast?"

Although I have known Mu Zhengbai for a while, and met a few times, in the face of this majestic man, Shen Meiling is inexplicably a little afraid, and only dares to call him Mr. Mu, who is afraid to go over.

At this time, Shen Chuchu's eyes turned around, showing a pitiful appearance, and he begged Mu Zhengbai again, "Uncle Mu, do you think about it, you can keep us for a few days?"

She asked smartly.

Asking it this way makes the respondent embarrassed to say a refusal.

Shen Meiling hurriedly wanted to stop her, "In the beginning, anyway, you have a school dormitory, don't bother Mr. Mu ..."

"I don't like living in school dormitories!" Shen Chuchu said.

In fact, she usually stays in the dormitory, which is convenient for her to do some unspeakable things.

Shen Meiling doesn't even know about her boyfriend, she can see how well she hides.

When the two were arguing, Mu Zhengbai said, "No trouble, you can stay here temporarily, and move after you find a new place. It doesn't matter, there are many rooms in the house, and there will be friends from time to time, so It's not troublesome. "

"But ..." Shen Meiling looked embarrassed and wanted to refuse.

Shen Chuchu anxiously, holding her hand, begging, "Aunt, since Uncle Mu has said so, let's live here, just stay for a few days, OK? Please aunt ..."

Shen Meiling finally relented.

She just felt that Shen Chuchu was still a child because she had never seen the world before, and she saw that Mu family was so big and beautiful, so she wanted to live here for a few days.

She looked at Mu Zhengbai, and there was something flowing in her heart.

Live a few days, then live a few days.

Shen Meiling compromised and nodded to Shen Chuchu, "Well, then trouble Mr. Mu."

"Great!" Shen Chuchu pretended to have a simple expression.

She secretly froze Xiaomu Xiao, thinking in her heart.

She guessed that Mu Xiaoxiao must be opposed to her living here, but Uncle Mu allowed it.

What does this mean?

Explain that Uncle Mu is interesting to my aunt!

Shen Chuchu became more and more determined. If it was not interesting to her aunt, how could Uncle Mu treat them so well.

She even thought that if her aunt married Uncle Mu, she could live in such a luxurious house forever.

By that time, she will definitely find a way to win the favor of Uncle Mu and let this Mu Xiaoxiao fall out of favor!

Thinking of Mu Xiaoxiao's miserable future, Shen Chuchu was even more proud.

Seeing that they ran out of breakfast, Mu Zhengbai ordered his **** to take them to the guest room.

The servant asked, "Do the two guests live together or separate?"

At the beginning, Shen Chu was busy rushing to talk, "Live separately, live separately!"

She doesn't want to share a room with her aunt!

Shen Meiling said politely, "It's good if I live with Chuchu."

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