Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2073: Willingness (4)

"No," she said back.

Yin Shaoxian looked up, "Why not? You just promised, is this to eat and eat?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a worried expression, "Shen Chuchu peeped at you today. What if she sneaked into your room in the middle of the night and did something indescribable to you?"

Yin Shaoji said, "I will lock the door, so you can rest assured?"

"It doesn't work to lock the door, I'm not assured." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Of course, Yin Shaojie knew she was looking for an excuse, "Are you really going to fatten?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Scared her when she was a three year old?

She's not afraid!

Yin Shaojiu yanked the corner of his mouth. "Actually, I forgot to tell you. Your waist is now ... thinner than before, it seems like there is more meat."

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, "Really? You lied to me!"

She touched her waist in fright.

"I haven't lied to you. Someone really did it." Yin Shaoji said in a serious manner.

Mu Xiaoxiao believes in science, so he doesn't believe in these superstitions.

While she was still stubborn, Mu Zhengbai came over and watched the picture of the two deadlocked.

"What are you doing?"

Yin Shaojie identified Mu Zhengbai and said to him, "I asked Xiaoxiao to go back to sleep, but she refused."

Mu Xiaoxiao is mad.

This guy dared to make a small report with her father!

Huh, don't even think about why she had to sleep with him in the same room.

Not for him!

No return on a good deed.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to Mu Zhengbai, "I don't have one! I'm going back to the room to sleep now. Who wants to sleep with him, shameless."

The last three words were addressed to Yin Shaoji.

When she was finished, she turned and ran out of the room and slipped away.

Although Yin Shaojie couldn't see it, she realized that she was talking to herself and not only laughed.

Mu Zhengbai's voice sounded in front of him, "Okay, let's go to sleep."

Yin Shao bowed his head and said good night to him.

Mu Zhengbai did not return to the room, but went to the study.

He still has something to do.

Until twelve o'clock, he heard a knock on the door.


The people outside paused, and Shen Meiling's voice sounded, his voice was a little nervous.

"Yes, it's me."

Mu Zhengbai's voice could not hear his emotions and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Shen Meiling said, "Are you still busy? I think it's so late that you might be hungry, so I will cook some noodles for you."

She stood nervously and nervously at the door, waiting for the front door to open.

But it didn't.

Mu Zhengbai's voice sounded again, "No, I'm not hungry, you go to sleep."

Shen Meiling pursed her lips, and a lost expression appeared on her face.

"So, then don't be too late, staying up late is not good for your body, and go to bed early."

After waiting for a while, there was no answer.

Shen Meiling stood in place and didn't want to move away.

She knew she was doing something wrong, she knew she had no hope, but ... still couldn't help but want to get close to him and do something for him.

She even looked forward to it.

If he accepts her approach, does that mean ... he will accept her?

What Shen Chuchu said before appeared uncontrollably in her mind.

Even those things are delusional.

But people are like this. The less likely they are, the more chance they have.

Shen Meiling lived to be 29 years old and had never met the man she liked. For the first time, she was so enthusiastic about a man. Although she knew that he was his wife's substitute, she was ... willing.

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