Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2074: Their anniversary (1)

But what about that?

Shen Meiling was very clear, Mu Zhengbai's attitude of rejection was already obvious.

Just like the dinner that her helper made tonight, Mu Zhengbai did not eat. He said that he was busy when he entered the study. After a while, the kitchen would make another meal for him.

I heard the servant said that as long as Mu Xiaoxiao is at home, Mu Zhengbai will rush back to accompany her for dinner even if she has entertainment.

Shen Meiling is not stupid, she is even smart, especially in emotional intelligence.

In fact, Mu Zhengbai did not give her any ambiguous opportunities from the beginning.

During the time when the two met, he took the initiative to ask her once.

At that time, he explained that he was asking her a favor and had no other meaning, hoping that it would not cause her misunderstanding.

He asked her to eat together.

It's just that two people are sitting together, and they rarely talk.

She could tell that he was down.

It can also be guessed that he may be missing his dead wife.

It's been four years since they both died.

She thought he must love his wife very much.

Such affection is invisible charm for any woman.

Because of this deep affection, all women look forward to having.

At that time, Shen Meiling moved his affection for his wife, but was attracted to him uncontrollably.

Knowing that he had no hope, but ... still wanted to be close to him, even to get a little attention from him.

Therefore, she had some thoughts and used makeup to make herself more like his wife.

She didn't know, she just wanted him to look at her more, or he wanted her to be his wife's substitute.

Anyway, her first thought was just that he could be happier.

Later, she had some trouble, and he helped her.

In the name of thanks, she was cheeky and asked him to eat several times.

He used to keep his distance, but this time he made an appointment, which made her ecstatic.

She thought that he had allowed the two to have development opportunities.

But his attitude towards her was still as plain as water, just like an ordinary friend.

This time, he helped her again and kept her in his house.

After listening to what Chu Chuchu said, she was a little bit moved, thinking that since she liked it, she would fight for it.

Because of the geometry of life, I can meet a man who makes me so emotional.

If you don't fight for it, you will regret it.

However, now facing Mu Zhengbai's obvious rejection.

Shen Meiling was gradually awake.

There is nothing wrong with liking a person, but he has already shown his attitude, and you are still embarrassed, and that attitude is ugly.

She doesn't want to lose this friend.

"Aunt?" A voice called Shen Meiling back to God.

Shen Meiling looked up at Shen Chuchu in front of her eyes, her eyes clear from the scatter.

She asked wryly, "What's wrong?"

Shen Chuchu said, "I just asked you this sentence. What are you doing? Right, didn't you go to Uncle Mu? Why did you come back so soon?"

Shen Meiling had the embarrassment of being hit by Dim Sum, "How do you know I'm gone ..."

When she left the room, Shen Chuchu was taking a bath in the bathroom.

Shen Chuchu's expression of "This is still guessing", said with an ambiguous smile, "Of course I know! You said first, why are you back so soon? Not staying with Uncle Mu for more time, exchange more feelings . "

Seeing her aunt being so active, she was relieved.

In her opinion, Mu Zhengbai's wife has died so long, and sooner or later she will marry another woman home.

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