Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2075: Their anniversary (2)

Then her aunt must not miss such a good opportunity.

Not to mention that Uncle Mu is handsome and good-looking, just this giant, I don't know how many women have broken their heads to marry in.

Shen Meiling remembered Mu Zhengbai's refusal just now, and she was a bit lonely.

She said to Shen Chuchu, "Don't think too much, I just think we live in someone's home, we need to do more and express more concern."

Now she understands that she should not do this.

Her initiative brought trouble to Mu Zhengbai instead.

Shen Chuchu smiled even more ambiguously, walked over to Shen Meiling, sat on the bed, holding her arm and said, "Take care more, you may be the hostess here, we will not live in other people's home, but live In my own home. "

Shen Meiling frowned, and was not moved by her words.

"At first, don't make this joke in the future."

She was a little serious.

After sobering, although she couldn't let go of Mu Zhengbai's likes for a while, she wanted to try not to cause him any trouble.

If these words of Shen Chuchu were heard by the servants or the Mu family, that would be bad.

"I'm not kidding, I mean it! Oh, aunt, won't you persuade me again?" Shen Meiling hated iron and steel.

Now she looks forward to Shen Meiling being able to marry Mu Zhengbai.

In this way, her identity is comparable to Mu Xiaoxiao.

She can live here righteously, without fear of being kicked out at any time.

Especially today, Mu Xiaoxiao snatched her juice, and she couldn't stand her arrogant attitude.

Shen Meiling's expression was low, she shook her head and said to her, "In the beginning, you didn't understand. I wasn't worthy of him, so don't say these words again."

Shen Chuchu said, "What isn't worth it? Aunt, you are so good, where can't you be worth it? Besides, I don't think Uncle Mu is the kind of person who values ​​the door and the right person. As long as he likes you, he won't care Deserves it. "

She was particularly reluctant to hear such words.

Why isn't it worth it?

Why does my aunt degrade herself so much?

Even if their families are ordinary, they still have the dream of flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix.

Which girl has never dreamed like this?

What's wrong with trying to make your dreams a reality?

Shen Chuchu emphasized again, "Aunt, do n’t think about this, you just have to think, you like Uncle Mu, you want to be with him, that's enough, like a person, of course, you have to spend all your time with him, Does such a life make sense? "

Her words were almost impeccable.

But Shen Meiling is not such a silly woman, she knows a lot about thinking.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with thinking that you want to be with someone.

But if your partner doesn't like your words, you still have to work hard and use all the means. This is not right.

Shen Meiling thought her Sanguan was a bit distorted.

But I also think that it may be because of her aunt for the first time that I hope she will be with Mu Zhengbai.

Shen Meiling sighed, wondering how to refute her sentence.

She was down and a little tired.

"At first, don't talk about that, go to bed."

Looking at Shen Meiling who was in bed and lying down, Shen Chuchu's eyes were slightly down, and she was not satisfied with her.

This silly aunt seems to have to help her.

If you like a person, go for it without any means. This is not understood!

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