Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2076: Their anniversary (3)

The next day.

Shen Chuchu was awakened by Shen Meiling and asked her to have breakfast.

"So early?" She looked bitter at the sight of less than eight o'clock.

Shen Meiling said to her, "Now I live in someone else's house, don't wake up at noon like I do at home."

Shen Chuchu has been urged by her and just woke up.

Go downstairs and into the restaurant.

Shen Chuchu said, "Auntie, make me rice porridge, I want to have a sweeter one."

Shen Meiling glanced at her indifferently and said, "This is at someone else's house. Don't bother others, just eat whatever you have."

Shen Chuchu was annoying while listening to her saying ‘other ’s home’ all the time.

Why do we have to emphasize this?

"Aunt, what are you going to do for breakfast?"

Shen Meiling shook her head and said, "I won't do it. I will not bother with the kitchen lady."

Although she felt embarrassed and wanted to help with something, in others' view, her behavior was not appropriate.

So she now has a measure.

Now that you are a guest, simply be a guest.

Shen Chuchu was dissatisfied. "What's the trouble? Auntie's cooking is delicious. Just make breakfast for Uncle Mu and let him see your cooking."

Shen Meiling didn't want to hear her say this and interrupted her.

"Go and have breakfast."

The restaurant was empty.

The maid asked what they wanted to eat, and went to prepare it.

Breakfast is simply Chinese congee or western bread.

Shen Chuchu ate completely dull and kept frowning. "Aunt, I don't want to eat these, can I have a fried chicken wings?"

"No, what to eat, this is not a restaurant." Shen Meiling was firm.

Shen Chuchu was so depressed that she didn't know what was going on with her aunt.

Aren't there any chefs?

Isn't it too much for her to order fried chicken wings?

Even if this is not her house, she is also a guest.

At this moment, brisk footsteps came from the stairs, and they went downstairs.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned into the restaurant and saw Shen Chuchu and Shen Meiling.

Shen Chuchu was sitting facing the other side, so she saw Mu Xiaoxiao at a glance.

Thinking of last night, I did not give a good look.

"Good morning, are you eating breakfast?" Mu Xiaoxiao said with the proper courtesy and smiled.

After all, there was the elder Shen Meiling.

Shen Meiling heard her voice, turned back, and smiled back, "Little morning, have you had breakfast?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Not yet. I'm going to eat it. Are you accustomed to eating? If you want something to eat, you can tell the chef, don't be polite."

She maintained the etiquette she deserved.

Seeing her so sensible, Shen Meiling added a little more to her likes.

From here you can see how good the tutor of the Mu family is.

Shen Meiling refused with a smile, "No, the breakfast is delicious, these are enough."

Shen Chuchu frowned his lips, and his face looked dissatisfied.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw it, but ignored her intentionally.

"Then you keep eating, don't worry about me."

Said, Mu Xiaoxiao sat down and instructed the servant, "I want some chicken wings, grilled chicken wings and fried chicken wings, and the breakfast won't change."

The servant nodded respectfully. "Okay, miss."

On the side of Shen Chuchu, his face froze and looked a little angry.

She looked sadly at Shen Meiling.

Why can't she order fried chicken wings, Mu Xiaoxiao can?


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