Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2089: Give sugar to eat (4)

"Since you like the morgue so much, you can have a good time here, I'm leaving."

"No! Don't go!"

There was a fierce clapping sound inside the door, and Shen Chuchu's voice made the ears hurt.

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped and put his arms around his chest.

"It's impossible to let you go, and I don't want to admire your misfortune here, just stay on your own."

She was going to go back to Yin Shaojiu and guard him.

Shen Chuchu was afraid she would go, and screamed, "Don't go! Please don't go! I'm wrong, and I apologize to the head office, right? Let me out, let me out! I'm really good Fear, I'm so scared! "

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and laughed, "It's good if you're afraid. Isn't it meaningless if you're not afraid?"

This is called treating his body with his own way.

Originally, she did not want to do this, and felt that it was a bit too much to lock people in the morgue.

But who knows, Shen Chuchu in turn attacked her.

Mu Xiaoxiao is certainly not the Virgin.

Knowing that the other party was threatening her, she couldn't sit still, let alone just leave it alone.

Shen Chuchu is the one who does not repent!

Maybe it was too scared. Shen Chuchu started to swear in it.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, listening to her uncomfortable words, a little strange.

How can any girl say such awful words?

"You‘ enjoy ’slowly.”

Mu Xiaoxiao knocked at the door and really left.

"Mu Xiaoxiao--"

Shen Chuchu's voice was hoarse.

Mu Xiaoxiao drew his ears, thanking himself for walking fast.

If it wasn't for her wit, she could see that the female nurse was wrong, and in turn bought the female nurse, and it was herself who was screaming in it.

After more than an hour.

Yin Shaojie finished the examination and the two walked out of the hospital.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked back and asked, "You said, was Shen Chuchu released?"

"Softhearted?" Yin Shaoji asked her.

Mu Xiaoxiao has told him about the whole thing about Shen Chuchu's back calculation and being locked up in the morgue.

Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed his nose and said nothing.

She was not soft-hearted, but felt that such punishment for Shen Chuchu was enough.

If you keep it closed, will Shen Chuchu become insane?

I always feel that this is possible.

She also didn't want to turn a good person into a real neurosis.

"It's been more than an hour, and it's enough for that long." Mu Xiaoxiao said.

Yin Shaojii snorted coldly, "You think it's enough, but have you ever thought about it, or if you counted her the other way around, it's you who's locked up, will she be soft to you?"

Obviously not!

Mu Xiaoxiao certainly understood what he meant, and sighed 唉.

Yin Shaojie squeezed her hand and said, "Be kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself."

"Then leave her alone," Mu Xiaoxiao said simply.

Yin Shaoji said, "Anyway, someone will always let her out."

This is a hospital after all, with so many medical staff.

"Wait a minute." Mu Xiaoxiao called out suddenly, holding his hand.

Yin Shaojie was puzzled, but obediently stood still.

"Open your mouth." Mu Xiao Novel.

Yin Shaojie wondered, and did.

A round object was put into his mouth.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Close it."

She gave an order and he made a move.

Yin Shaojie felt the sweetness in her mouth.

It's sugar.

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned, "This is from the doctor, strawberry flavor."

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