Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2090: I want to fill you up (1)

Yin Shaojie listened to her sweet voice, and the laughter she carried made her feel like a spring breeze, which made him imagine that her small expression at this moment must be proud, just like the kindergarten children got candy.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked him, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious." Yin Shao bowed his head, grinning, "Is the doctor treating you as a kid?"

Candies will be given only when the children see a doctor.

Mu Xiao's novel, "No, it must be a doctor who looks cute to me."

She laughed after she finished speaking, holding Yin Shaojiao's hand, and went out.

"Come on, let's go home."

Yin Shaojiu covered the strawberry candy in her mouth, which was sweet at first, and then the strawberry was slightly acidic.

Sweet and sour.

The driver had left the car waiting at the door, and when they saw them, Bi Gong greeted them and pulled the door for them.

They got in the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao just sat down, grabbing her waist with one big hand and pinching her chin with the other.

A handsome face magnified in front of her.

Yin Hong's lips were kissed.

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, and the tooth shell was pried open the next second, and a small thing was pushed into her mouth.

Yin Shaoyi moved away, and his magnetic voice said with a smile, "It's too sweet, give it back to you."

Mu Xiaoyi would come over, his face flushed.

"Where, how can you be like this, give it back to me after eating it."

Yin Shaoji said with a smile, "Don't waste food, and don't you like to eat?"

Mu Xiaoxiao really couldn't argue with him.

She sucked candy.

"Isn't it sweet? It's just sweet, can't you guys be so sweet? Oh, no."

She suddenly remembered that Lu Yichen liked to eat sweets, and she also liked strawberry cakes.

Yin Shaoji heard the turn behind her, and her ears moved.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to face Lu Yichen before him, lest this guy be jealous.

"It's nothing. I just think that not every boy likes sweet, but why do most boys not like sweet? Are your taste buds different from our girls?"

Successfully shift the subject.

Yin Shaoji said, "It should be a matter of preference."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but spit out, "Your guys don't like desserts, fruits, and vegetables ... as if they like meat, do you evolve from carnivores?"

"Who says they only like to eat meat?"

Yin Shaoji said, still pinching her chin fingers, pulling her towards her.

The thin lips blocked again.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth also contained candy, which was pushed in by the tip of his tongue, and the candy was flipped in the moist mouth.

The two seemed to share the candy together.

The sweetness swelled in her mouth, full of it, and his strong masculinity.

Yin Shaojie kissed her for a while before letting go of her.

"I also like to eat you." He said in a low voice, with a hint of dumbness.

Mu Xiaoxiao stalled with his subwoofer.

Obviously he has been used to his voice, but whenever he hits himself, he still cannot control his heart.

At this time, the car started.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked forward subconsciously, only to find that the partition had not been lowered.

In other words, the scene where they just kissed must have been seen by the driver.

The little face was even hotter.

Although the driver was so focused on driving, it seemed that he didn't notice what they were doing.

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