Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2091: I want to fill you up (2)

"You loose me, this is in the car." Mu Xiaoxiao patted his chest.

"what is the relationship."

Yin Shaojiao instead tightened her arms and hugged her.

"I will be seen ..." Mu Xiao's voice was soft and waxy, with a child-like milky voice.

This is her tone when she is coquettish.

Yin Shaoji joked, "I can't see it anyway."

Mu Xiaoxiao took a moment to think of something, held his arm and asked, "What else did the doctor tell you inside? Your eyes should recover soon?"

Although the inspection has been done, the inspection results have not yet come out.

Yin Shaoji said, "Just say I'm fine, and if nothing happens, I should be able to recover soon."

What he didn't say was that the doctor kept asking if he had taken any medicine.

It seemed that Mu Fei did have two brushes, and the doctors marveled that he recovered particularly quickly.

Want to come, thanks to Mu Fei's medicine.

"I really want you to get better soon ..." Mu Xiao novel, leaning his forehead on his shoulder.

God knows how much she misses the look he looked at her.

Recently she always feels like something is missing.

Although he was by his side, he could not see her with his eyes.

Usually, his eyes followed her anyway, and she was used to it, and when she looked back, she could meet his eyes.

She likes that feeling.

So now I can't see his eyes, I can't see his affectionate gaze staring at her, she really is not used to it, as if something is missing in life, it is incomplete.

Yin Shao pinched her waist, her thin lips froze on her pink face.

Magnetic voice said, "I will be okay soon, absolutely before New Year's Day, when the time comes, we will celebrate the New Year and give you a lot of fireworks."

Mu Xiaoxiao particularly likes fireworks, although the short-term beauty makes people feel a lot.

But this time she shook her head and said, "No, don't set off fireworks or watch fireworks. Even if your eyes are fine, you can't be stimulated immediately."

Although she felt a little regretful, the relationship was more important to him.

It's just New Year's fireworks. They have a long future and many opportunities to see.

"That's right," Mu Xiaoxiao remembered, saying, "On New Year's Day, is it still my parents' first anniversary, should we do something to surprise Dad?"

Yin Shaojii certainly wanted to celebrate the New Year with her alone, but she would not object to it if she said so.

"how do you want to do it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked a little bit nervous.

She shook her face and sighed, "I don't know ... Shen Meiling told me that my father's recent depression was because it was almost the first anniversary of his father and mother's anniversary, and he missed his mother ..."

Not only does father miss her mother, she also misses her mother.

It is clear that his mother has died almost four years, but that kind of thought of her mother has not diminished.

"Actually, I think Shen Meiling is pretty good, and she looks like a mother. Although I don't think anyone can replace mother, but my father is so pitiful ... I want my father to be happy, oh, I am so contradictory, I do n’t Know what to do. "

If it is an outsider, she must think that her father and Shen Meiling are a good result.

Aside from selfishness, she felt the same way.

But everyone has selfishness ...

Yin Shaojiu rubbed her head. "You little head melon is not enough, just don't think so much."

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