Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2110: Missing never stopped (1)

For a moment, Mu Xiaoxiaoduo hoped that this moment was a dream.

She couldn't bear to see such a picture.

Although she doesn't like Shen Chuchu, Shen Meiling is innocent and should not get such an ending.

Infected by crying, Mu Xiaoxiao also felt sad and turned to lean on Yin Shao's arms.

Although Yin Shaojie couldn't see it, he heard the cry and said nothing.

Over there, Shen Chuchu seemed to be aware of someone and turned to look at it.

She saw Mu Xiaoxiao, and her eyes were scarlet like blood.

"Mu, Xiao, Xiao!" Shen Chuchu gritted his teeth.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard the sound, he turned his head and met Shen Chuchu's eyes.

Shen Chuchu rose up with tears on his face, and almost rushed to Mu Xiaoxiao, shouting, "If my aunt is dead, I will take you to be buried!"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and calmly said to her, "This is the evil that you caused yourself, what is it to me?"

Shen Chuchu accused her, "If you hadn't locked me in the morgue, would I have been mentally deranged? Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost my mind to hurt my aunt in order to avenge you!"

She usually has a good relationship with her aunt.

She also likes her aunt very much.

So how could she hurt her aunt.

Had Mu Xiaoru not harmed her, she wouldn't have lost her reason to hurt her aunt!

Shen Chuchu thought about it. Although he was wrong, Mu Xiaoxiao was the one who made the most mistakes!

If it had been before, Mu Xiaoxiao might have been led away by her statement and felt it was her fault.

But after Yin Shao's enlightenment, she didn't think so.

Mu Xiaoxiao yelled at Shen Chuchu, his voice calmly refuted, "If it weren't you who wanted to harm me, would I fight back? Why would you want to harm me, I would have to stand up and make you harm? You made it this way that you blame yourself! Even if you want revenge, you can come to me, why do you hurt your aunt? The person who hurt your aunt is you! You do n’t want to put responsibility on others! "

The original picture I thought was that Shen Chuchu had already recognized his mistake.

However, to disappoint Mu Xiaoxiao, she did not.

Shen Chuchu is still running away, and she wants to push her fault on her.

To put it plainly, this was originally just a grudge between Shen and Chu Chu.

Shen Chuchu wanted to get revenge on her, she can come at her, she will accompany him to the end!

Shen Meiling is irrelevant in this matter.

It was Shen Chuchu who was desperate and wanted to use her aunt to frame her.

Fortunately, it was in her own home. Both her father and Yin Shaojie believed that she would not do such a cruel thing.

Otherwise, she succeeded in framing her. Who does Mu Xiaoxiao call for injustice?

Shen Chuchu's framed failure failed her own aunt and ruined her appearance.

Now she has to accuse her of all these faults.

This is ridiculous!

Mu Xiaoxiao is kind and compassionate, but it doesn't mean that she is a fool, letting others hold the crime on her head.

Shen Chuchu was scorned by her sudden anger.

She ... she knew it was her fault ...

But the fault was too great for her to bear.

So she instinctively pulled someone into the water.

Only by pushing the fault on others, she felt better in her heart, and did not feel that she had hurt her aunt like this.

"No ... no ... it's not my fault ..."

Shen Chuchu shook his head and remained obsessed.

Seeing her mental state was a bit wrong, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly called the doctor.

Shen Chuchu was taken away.

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