Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2111: Missing never stopped (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't feel relaxed, and his heart was still heavy like pressing a stone.

She looked up and looked at the ICU ward not far away.

Shen Meiling is still in the rescue ...

Life and death are so close, only in the frontline.

No one can predict what will happen in the next second.

Maybe Shen Meiling will die.

Maybe Shen Meiling would ...

At the end, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to think about it, his eyes were sour.


When Shen Meiling woke up, she felt that her body was like lead, which was especially heavy.

She was so heavy she couldn't lift her hands.


She opened her mouth, trying to say something, her voice was uncomfortable.

"Are you awake?" There was a calm voice in my ear, full of magnetism, and it sounded so appealing.

Shen Meiling's heart fluctuated slightly, her eyes turned, and she saw Mu Zhengbai's mature and stable face.

so handsome……

Shen Meiling couldn't help trembling.

Especially at such a moment, when she walked back from the gate of the ghost gate, when she saw him, she felt like he was the whole world.

If only it was ...

Shen Meiling felt so tired, she was too lazy to cover up, and all her feelings were revealed from her eyes.

Mu Zhengbai noticed that her eyes were straight, and she reached out and shook her in front of her.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

Listening to his concern, Shen Meiling only felt that the nose was sore.

She felt like she was dreaming.

If it was a dream, she hoped she would never wake up.

Shen Meiling nodded, and said quietly, "OK."

Mu Zhengbai asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

He beckoned the nurse to come over, and the two held Shen Meiling up.

The nurse poured water and fed Shen Meiling a drink.

Shen Meiling was completely stunned and looked around.

This is obviously a luxurious ward, with a large LCD TV in front of it, and a reception area with sofas.

"Why am I here?" She asked, confused.

After taking two sips of warm water, my throat was moistened, and the sound of talking was finally not so bad.

She was not only confused, but also aggressive.

Mu Zhengbai's expression sank, and for a moment he didn't know where to start explaining.

He asked, "Do you remember what happened before you passed out?"

Shen Meiling supported her forehead with her fingers, and her brows slowly frowned. "I think about it ... Suddenly I can't remember, my head is a bit muddy ..."

"Think slowly, that's okay." Mu Zhengbai didn't force her.

A person who has just come back from the edge of death may even have a short period of memory disorder, which makes her slowly think of her best.

And Mu Zhengbai didn't need her confession at all, she could be 100% sure that Xiao had nothing to do with her injury.

But the truth is to be restored.

Shen Meiling took the cup from the nurse, held it in her hand, and lowered her head.

She didn't know how long she was in a daze.

Instinctively raised his head, just to see the people around him.

Seeing Mu Zhengbai still alive, she felt very at ease and very secure.

"I remember a little bit. I went to find a house today and it went well. It didn't take long for me to come back. At the beginning, I came back with her. I will move out today. I can't bother you any more, and then it doesn't look too good at first Happy, she poured a glass of water for me ... and ... there seems to be no memory behind ... "

Shen Meiling frowned, trying hard to think more.

But the back memory is blank.

In other words, her memory only ends here.

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