Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2112: Missing never stopped (3)

Mu Zhengbai asked with a calm face, "You said she gave you a glass of water, did you pass out after drinking that glass of water?"

"I'm fainted?" Shen Meiling made a mistake, her eyes widened, as if she realized something.

"Do you mean ... I have a problem with the water I drink?"

Mu Zhengbai bowed his head, "Yes."

He later asked people to look for clues in the guest room, but the cup was washed by Shen Chuchu, and the sink was washed clean, without any residue.

But Bai Mi was sparse. Although Shen Chuchu handled it almost perfectly, when she poured the powder, there was a little Xu scattered on the table, she did not realize it.

So the evidence is already there.

Shen Meiling's face was a bit ugly.

Feeling a little uncomfortable on her face, she raised her hand subconsciously to touch it.

"Don't touch," Mu Zhengbai reminded her.

Shen Meiling's face gradually turned into a tingling sensation, the narcotics passed, and the pain slowly appeared.

She froze. "What's wrong with my face ...?"

She didn't listen to Mu Zhengbai's reminder, and touched with her hand, she touched the gauze on her face.

In fact, when she woke up, she felt something strange, just because of the narcotics, and her face didn't feel much.

"My face! What's wrong with my face?"

Mu Zhengbai said to her, "Calm down, listen to me first."

Shen Meiling looked at him indifferently, grabbed his hand, and was frightened in his eyes, "You tell me, my face is fine, is my face okay?"

But Mu Zhengbai's eyes surprised her even more.

Her face must be something!

"What the **** happened? You say, please, tell me!"

Mu Zhengbai sighed, and told her what she had done.

Shen Meiling took a breath, and the whole person was shaking.

"Impossible ... how could she do such a thing at first, she wouldn't do this to me, impossible, impossible ..."

Faced with her disfigurement, she first thought that Shen Chuchu would not do so.

"It must not be the beginning. She was wronged. I'm her aunt. How could she do this to me?"

Shen Meiling was obviously hit hard.

If it's someone else, it's fine.

It just happened.

To her is like a niece of her own daughter.

Mu Zhengbai brutally exposed the truth to her and told her that it was Shen Chuchu.

"She fainted you and disfigured you, trying to frame Xiaoxiao ... After a mental evaluation, she is indeed a bit mentally abnormal."

Shen Meiling's lips were shaking, and she dropped the water glass on the ground.

"How could this be……"

It's almost like a nightmare.

How could that simple niece become a demon in an instant?

Shen Meiling still didn't want to accept this fact, and she asked rhetorically, "Is there any misunderstanding? Mr. Mu, did you find out? Is it really the beginning? I ... I'm not justifying her, I just want to confirm, Is it really her? How could it be her? Why did she do this to me? Just because she wanted revenge on Xiaoxiao? "

She was all messed up.

This terrible Shen Chuchu was not the niece she knew.

Mu Zhengbai said blankly, "I can understand your mood, but the evidence is conclusive, you still don't have to think about it so much, and take care of your illness first."

Shen Meiling felt her head hurt, and her heart was trembling, so uncomfortable.

Why did she just wake up and wake up, and the world seemed like a world upset?

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