Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2113: Missing never stopped (4)

The nurse said on the side that, since Shen Meiling woke up, she had to eat something first, and then took medicine before going to sleep.

Shen Meiling's reaction was murmuring.

The nurse fed her porridge, and she just opened her mouth to eat.

After taking the medicine, the nurse asked her to lie down, and she also lay down.

Mu Zhengbai saw that she was fine, but it took a little time to accept the facts.

He stood up and was ready to leave.

Who knows, Shen Meiling suddenly grabbed his sleeve by a big reaction.

"You ... don't go, please don't go? Stay here with me, please, please ..."

Her voice softly begged.

Mu Zhengbai did not answer.

After taking medicine, Shen Meiling struck a drowsiness, put her head on the pillow, her eyes closed, and she quickly fell asleep.

Mu Zhengbai pulled down her hand and shoved her hand into the quilt.

He told the nurse, "Take care of her."

After speaking, he got up and left the ward.


The ups and downs of the day.

Mu Xiaoxiao was paralyzed on the sofa. When he saw Mu Zhengbai's return, he suddenly fell off the sofa.

"Dad! How is Aunt Shen? Was she awake?"

After Shen Meiling went through the dangerous period, she returned with Yin Shaoji.

Mu Zhengbai took off his coat, and the servant took it, respectfully, and set aside.

"Well, I woke up, took something and medicine, and slept again."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought of Shen Meiling's ruined face and asked sully, "So ... she knows her face ... is she sad?"

After asking the exit, she felt that she was asking a stupid question.

Inexplicably disfigured, or disfigured by his beloved niece, how could it not be sad.

Mu Zhengbai said, "What makes her sadder is Shen Chuchu."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but move, "Aunt Shen ... she is really good to Shen Chuchu."

So the more she thought about it, the more she became worthless.

She was so good to Shen Chuchu, but she was treated like this.

What a white-eyed wolf!

Mu Zhengbai reached out and rubbed her head and said, "Okay, even if this thing is over, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet? Shaw?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "I let him go to sleep. I want to wait for you to come back and want to know about Aunt Shen."

"She is very good, but it is difficult to accept what Shen Chuchu did wrong. As for her face ... I will pay for her to do cosmetic surgery and try to eliminate scars." Mu Zhengbai knew that she was kind and could not see others as miserable , Especially good people.

He held her little face with one hand and made her smile.

"You girl, it's too easy to be affected. Well, this is just like your mother."

As the New Year's Day is getting closer, although something happened, it will not stop Mu Zhengbai from missing his wife more and more.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked into his eyes, "Dad, are you thinking about Mom again?"

Mu Zhengbai raised his lips and said, "I always think about it, never stop."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed.

My father still loves his mother so much.

She couldn't help but hope that her love with Yin Shaojie would be so deep.

While thinking about Yin Shaoyu, he heard a mess of footsteps coming from the stairs.

Accompanied by the shout of Yin Shaoji.

"Little ---"

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled, thinking that something had happened, and anxiously looked towards the stairs.

Yin Shaojiu's figure ran down.

噔 噔 噔 ——

He ran towards her.

The next second, she was forced into his arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, and that's how he reacted.

"your eyes……"

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