Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2119: Find her accounts (2)

"The slap on your face was played by Shen Chuchu yesterday?" He asked, his voice chilling.

He didn't notice that her face was beaten last night because her eyes had just recovered and the stamp had not yet surfaced.

Woke up early in the morning.

I was in a good mood because I could see her, but who knew it but found the fingerprints on her face.

This look is the result of being slapped.

Suddenly, his good mood was completely ruined.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and was reminded by him so he remembered it.

She blinked her eyes, scratched her head and said, "Shen Chuchu really ... slapped me, but I don't remember it myself."

At that time, she was all concerned about the situation of Shen Meiling, and she forgot about it afterwards.

Moreover, Shen Chuchu's strength was not too heavy, so she did not feel it later.

After Shao Yin was confirmed, a handsome face was gloomy.

"Hum, wait for her to settle accounts."

Mu Xiao's novel, "Forget it, she is like this now ..."

"She hit my woman, she can't just let it go." Yin Shaojie insisted.

Mu Xiaoxiao really couldn't beat him. The two got up and went to the hospital together after breakfast.

Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao's purpose was to visit Shen Meiling.

Shen Meiling's condition is not bad. After a day of nursing and waking up after a night of sleep, the whole person looks energetic.

However, she had gauze on her face. Because of the effect of anesthetic, her face always felt a little painful and itchy, which made her want to scratch. She was stopped by the care several times.

Doctors say scars can't be scratched. If the wound cracks, healing will be more difficult and there is a risk of infection.

After she woke up, Shen Meiling was uncomfortable and kept asking the doctor to give her some anesthetic.

But how can a substance like an anesthetic be hit casually?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her so uncomfortably and felt very sympathetic.

"Auntie Shen, just put up with it."

Shen Meiling smiled bitterly. "It's not that I don't want to endure it. It's the feeling of itching. It's really unbearable."

"Then I will talk to you and transfer your transfer power, you will not think about itching."

With a novel by Mu Xiao, he pulled over the chair and sat by the bed, talking with Shen Meiling.

Yin Shaojie stood behind her, silent, but those black eyes had sharp light and didn't know what was thinking.

Shen Meiling noticed this and asked, "Can his eyes see it?"

When he mentioned this, Mu Xiaoxiao was happy, "Well, I can see it."

Shen Meiling said with a sincere smile, "It's okay, at least not everything is broken, and some good things happen."

Mu Xiaoxiao heard her say that, she felt very kind.

Looking at Shen Meiling's face.

This face used to miss her mother.

Mu Xiaoxiao does not deny that she really minds the fact that Shen Meiling is like her mother.

But seeing Shen Meiling now, she was relieved.

As a result, she is not so exclusive to Shen Meiling.

Thinking of my dad said last night, I have been thinking about my mother, and never stopped, Mu Xiao was sore with caution.

Suddenly, it seemed that Dad was good with Shen Meiling.

Even if you just use her as a mother's stand-in.

Alone, still too lonely.

Especially dad is thinking about mom every day, the kind of loneliness and loneliness, missing each other, but despair separated by life and death, Mu Xiaoxiao can't imagine.

The more I think about it, the more I feel bad for my father.

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