Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2120: Find her accounts (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and looked at Shen Meiling and said, "Aunt Shen, do you like my father?"

Shen Meiling froze, apparently surprised that she would ask this.

She was a little embarrassed and couldn't figure out how to answer.

"Uh, this ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I know you are, right?"

In fact, Shen Meiling is indeed a nice woman. In the past few days she lived, she had a good relationship with her subordinates. You can see that she is a very gentle person who knows life very well.

Like this time, she was ruined by her niece, but she was more difficult to understand Shen Chuchu than hate it.

Shen Meiling smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I'm not worthy of Mr. Mu."

Not to mention that she has been disfigured now. Even without it, she and Mu Zhengbai would be impossible.

She doesn't deserve him at all.

Now Shen Meiling is very transparent and self-aware.

Yin Shaoyi watched them chatting, and signaled to Mu Xiaoxiao that he was going out.

Mu Xiaoxiao waved at him without thinking much.

After she talked with Shen Meiling for a while, she suddenly remembered something.

Isn't Yin Shaoji going to Shen Chuchu?

When they came to the hospital, Yin Shaoji said that she was looking for Shen Chuchu's account.

Shen Meiling was still talking, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't listen.

She interrupted Shen Meiling's words, and said, "Aunt Shen, I'm a little worried about Yin Shaojie. I'll go out and find him. Take a good rest. I'll see you later."

Shen Meiling nodded sympathetically, "His eyes are just right, but he still has to pay attention, you go, leave me alone, just stay alone."

Staying on your own and letting yourself think about someone.

Mu went to urinate.

She called a nurse and wanted to ask Shen Chuchu which ward he was living in.

"You said that girl who was a little mentally ill? She lives in a special ward ..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw from a distance that Yin Shaoji came over with a calm face.

"Shen Chuchu ran away," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, "She's gone? What's wrong?"

It seems that this guy really went to Shen Chuchu to settle the bill.

She really lost to him.

Yin Shaoji said, "Before I got to her ward, I heard the rounds nurse said that she was gone, and I didn't know when it was gone."

"She's out of mind now. Will she run out and hurt others?" Mu Xiaoxiao worried about this.

Yin Shaojie shook her head and said, "Should not, after she disappeared, the doctor also came over and told me that Shen Chuchu's mental state was not very serious. She gave her a calm and calm spirit. She returned to normal last night. The doctor was still thinking about transferring her to the general ward today. "

I just didn't expect that Shen Chuchu ran away suddenly.

Mu Xiaoxiao touched her chin and groaned. "She should have known that her aunt was awake, afraid she would be accused of wounding, so she ran away?"

"Um." Yin Shao bowed his head, this conjecture is very reasonable.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked, "Are we going to find her?"

"Do you want to find her?" Yin Shaoji asked her in turn.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "Actually ... I don't want to see her much anymore, but I'm afraid she's in a bad state. What if she goes crazy and hurts innocent people?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Find her out then."

Anyway, he has to settle accounts with Shen Chuchu.

However, this is like finding a needle in a haystack. How do you find Shen Chuchu?

If Shen Chuchu had a little brain, he would not go back to school.

The only possibility is to find someone who can help her.

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