Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2130: Listen to you sing love songs (1)

Bai Meijiao was a little drunk. After sleeping for more than half an hour, she woke up.

Something was heard faintly.

She opened her narrow eyes and looked around before she remembered that she was in the room.

The sound seemed to come from the bedroom next door.

There was a man's roar mixed with a woman's scream ...

Bai Meijiao felt strange, got out of bed and went out.

When I opened the door, I was surprised by the sudden sound.

"Woohoo, you let go of me, you let go of me! Go away! Ah ... don't touch me ... you are disgusting, you are disgusting ..."

Bai Meijiao froze, distinguishing the voice of Shen Chuchu.

What's up with her?

Just before stepping to check the situation, she heard another familiar voice.

"Smelly shit! What's it called, lie in my bed, isn't it just waiting for me to sleep with you? Isn't it pretending to be innocent, don't you feel cool? Don't call it, TM shut up!"

"Ahhh-no, you go away! You go away!"

Bai Meijiao stayed forever.

It is the voice of her master!

How is this going?

Did she have a master with Shen Chuchu?

With the noise of the two, and the sound of popping, Bai Meijiao didn't need to approach, they all knew what was going on inside.

Her steps froze and hesitated to walk over.

Her gold master is a middle-aged man with a big belly. Of course, she has no love for him, but he is only raised for money.

I remembered that Shen Chuchu always showed off in the circle of friends how handsome, rich and well-built his boyfriend was.

Bai Meijiao suddenly laughed.

There was a howl of Shen Chuchu in the bedroom, which made her feel inexplicably wonderful.

Shen Chuchu, Shen Chuchu, you also have today.

Bai Meijiao did not intend to walk in, but leaned against the wall, listening to the good show inside.

Imagining Shen Chuchu's disgusted expression at this moment, Bai Meijiao really wanted to see it with her own eyes.

But considering the good things that disturbed the Lord, it would anger the Lord.

Of course, Bai Meijiao dare not go in.

"Pop-" There was a slap of applause inside.

"Damn, dare to bite me? Do you like to play rude? Believe me or not, I'll ask more men to come to you together?"

"Woohoo, don't ... let me go, okay ..."

"Be nice to me and serve me well. I can consider raising you too."

"Well! Who is this rare, disgusting, stupid man! Do you think I'm like a **** that Bai Meijiao sells casually? You leave me!

When Bai Meijiao heard this, her face was somber and angry.

It turned out that Shen Chuchu had always treated her like this!

"Pop-" was another applause.

Bai Meijiao shouted inwardly, wishing that the man would sink a few more slaps at the beginning.

Is it a bargain?

Shen Chuchu, you are now a bargain!

At this point in the room, Shen Chuchu was desperately struggling, and took the opportunity to kick the man's underfoot.

The man was in pain and let go of his hand.

Shen Chuchu couldn't care how embarrassed he was, he got down from the bed and hurried out of the bedroom door.

The man covered his face and scolded her for a series of swear words.

"Want to run? Don't run!"

Shen Chuchu almost fell off the bed. Although the wine had already awakened most of the time, he had been rudely treated by men, his legs and feet were soft and his body was very painful.

There was only one thought in her mind now, to escape this disgusting man.

As long as she remembered what had just happened, she was given by such a disgusting man ... she felt nauseated and nauseated!

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