Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2131: Listen to you singing a love song (2)

Damn, how could this happen!

Didn't Bai Meijiao say her man wouldn't come back?

She lied to her!

Shen Chuchu thought resentfully, this must be Bai Meijiao calculated her, drunk her, and then called her man to **** her.

As soon as she rushed out of the room, a figure greeted him.

Shen Chuchu was startled and frightened.

"Early? You ... what's going on?" Bai Meijiao looked drunk, looked at her, and looked at the man on the bed, and then looked shocked, as if she couldn't believe what happened. same.

Bai Meijiao pretended to have an ugly expression and accused her, "In the beginning, he was my man, how can you hook | lead him!"

Shen Chuchu's face ate shit.

"I seduce him? It was him who made me drunk, and made me do it!"

The man got up from the bed and retorted, "It was you who took off the light and lay on my bed. I thought it was Mei Jiao."

Shen Chuchu's face turned pale.

Is this still her fault?

This disgusting man clearly saw that she was not Bai Meijiao and continued to do it!

"Get away!"

Shen Chuchu was sick for a while, she pushed Bai Meijiao away and ran out.

The man calmly said to Bai Meijiao, "Stop her, don't let her run away!"

Bai Meijiao pretended to be in a dilemma.

Men love early adopters. Although she was fortunate that Shen Chuchu was **** by a disgusting man, she didn't want Shen Chuchu to grab her rice bowl.

Shen Chuchu rushed out of the living room and ran to the porch.

Seeing that the door was opened, she couldn't care less about her disheveled appearance, so she rushed out.

At this time, one hand grabbed her hair from behind.

"Smelly | son, don't try to run!"

Bai Meijiao pretended to be nice, and advised the man, "Dear, let her go, she is my friend ..."

The man smiled warily, holding Shen Chuchu's hair and asked, "Isn't that just a question of money? How much does it cost you to pack?"

Shen Chuchu looked at his enlarged face in front of himself.

She couldn't understand why Bai Meijiao could bear such a disgusting man.

"Well! My boyfriends are rich and handsome, who are rarely kept by you!"

"Not rare? Then no money, better!" Regardless of Shen Chuchu's struggle, the man dragged her to the bedroom.

Shen Chuchu panicked, "Let me go, let go of me! Meijiao, save me, save me!"

Bai Meijiao pretended to be anxious and unable to help, "I, I don't know what to do ..."

"Alarm! Immediately!" Shouted Shen Chuchu heartbreaking.

The man sneered, "what's the police report? Even if the police come, I will say you guys are my chickens. You say the police don't care?"

"Let me go, please let me go ..."

Shen Chuchu struggled so hard that the man simply dropped her on the sofa.

"Get away, don't touch me!"

The interior was chaotic.

Neither Shen Chuchu nor Bai Meijiao knew. At this moment, three people stood at the open door.

When Mu Xiaoxiao and others arrived at the apartment, they saw the scene where Shen Chuchu ran out to open the door.

So the three watched the whole process.

This picture is not very beautiful. Mu Xiaoxiao saw some spicy eyes, so she dragged Yin Shaoyi's clothes and wanted to tell him to go.

"Wait, it will be all right," Yin Shaoji said.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, only to see that he was holding his mobile phone in his hand, facing the room to shoot.

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