Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2147: A mysterious organization (2)

He slowly said, "My brother, I haven't been doing business since childhood. You also know that our family is a family of Chinese medicine. But my brother, who is unsteady in his duties, refuses to inherit Chinese medicine obediently. He has to integrate Chinese medicine with Western medicine, so he usually I love to play some research. I do n’t know when he met some friends on the Internet, and then he was dragged into an organization in a humble way. Since then, I have rarely seen my younger brother. I feel like he has evaporated. same."

Yin Shaojie, "..."

Hearing this description, how can he be so like the friend he knows.

Could it be said, who is Mu Fei's brother?

Yin Shaojii smiled secretly.

Wouldn't it be so coincident?

He and Nemo and Caroline, a group of friends, have a consensus that they will not dig out the true identity of the other party, unless the other party will speak up.

Therefore, not all of his good friends know his real name.

So, maybe the friend of the doctor who he knows is really Mu Fei's brother?

No wonder the two are so similar, they have good medical skills, and they are extremely weird.

Mu Fei watched Yin Shaoxian's expression and smiled slightly. "I just accidentally saw your caller ID. It just so happened that my brother and a friend are also Caroline, and the way they communicate is also with you. It ’s the same way, so I wonder, do you know my brother and belong to the same organization? ”

Yin Shao kept silent.

Almost everything is clear.

But even then, he did not intend to admit anything.

Mu Fei exchanged the overlapping long legs and sighed, "Well, I know your organization likes playing mystery, you don't want to admit it, I don't force you, but ... I haven't seen it for about half a year My brother, if you see him, help me tell him, don't forget that you still have a home, and occasionally go home. "

After he finished speaking, he stood up and stated that he was going to the bathroom, leaving Yin Shaoyu a quiet space.

Yin Shaoxi looked at his back deeply.

Is this man's words credible?

According to Mu Fei's relationship with Mu family, the credibility is very high.

But he will not rashly reveal his secrets, even if the other party has already guessed.

Despite all this, Yin Shaoxu bowed his head and fell into meditation.

Even when Mu Xiao came over and approached him, he didn't notice it.

"Ha!" Mu Xiaoxiao scared him from behind and patted his shoulders with both hands.

Yin Shaoxu was shocked and looked up at her. "Ready for lunch?"

"Which is so fast, I just walked away, I just wanted to see what seafood is today. By the way, what were you thinking about? Why are you in a daze?" Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him curiously.

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes looked at her emotionally, and what was flowing in her eyes made Mu Xiaoxiao feel stranger.

How did she feel ... he seemed to stop talking to her?

"Well, do you have something to tell me?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked him.

Yin Shaojii gave up, "That ... there is an outsider, so it's inconvenient to say."

He will be with her for a lifetime, so this secret cannot be kept for a lifetime.

So he had to find the right time and talk to her.

As he was talking, Mu Fei came out of the bathroom.

Yin Shaoxian glanced over, suggestive.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was trying to catch Mu Fei again, and smiled awkwardly.

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