Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2148: A mysterious organization (3)

"It's okay, just wait for him to go. Tell me more."

She put her hand to her mouth, leaned closer to his ear, and whispered.

"Um." Yin Shaoxuan nodded.

Seeing Mu Fei coming over, Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and distanced himself from Yin Shaoyu.

She asked Mu Fei, "Can you eat seafood? There are a lot of fresh seafood today. I made a lot of them in the kitchen."

"Seafood is fine." Mu Fei nodded.

There are several Mu family chefs, so when preparing together, you don't have to wait long to eat.

Mu Xiaoxiao was born a big man, she should not miss any etiquette.

When Dad was absent, she naturally took on the heavy responsibility of the host and greeted Mu Fei.

Yin Shaojiu opened the chair for Xiaoxiao and let her sit down first.

Then he sat next to the little one, and the gesture of a male host said, "Mr. Mu, I don't know if it fits your appetite. If you have a bad greeting, please bear with me."

Mu Fei glanced at the dishes on the table.

There are many dishes, there are six or seven dishes, plus a soup, it looks very rich visually.

And the taste of the food is pungent, and it makes people feel appetite before they taste it.

It may be a relationship between three people. Each dish is not many, so it does not make people feel full when they look at it.

Mu Fei just smelled the taste and knew how Mu's chef was cooking.

He said, "It looks delicious."

Mu Xiaoxiao greeted, "Then move the chopsticks, you're welcome."

She thought to herself, but fortunately Mu Fei looked satisfied.

It is very cost-effective to offset one's feelings with home-cooked food!

The maid gave three spoons of soup.

Mu Fei sandwiched a spicy shrimp and put it in a small bowl of Mu. "You should like this, right? But this one is too heavy and you shouldn't eat more. Just three or four.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "How do you know I like this?"

The first thing she wanted to make was this dish.

Mu Feikou said, "When the dishes are served, your eyes have been staring at this shrimp. It's too obvious."

Mu Xiaoxiao is a little embarrassed.

"That ... this shrimp is delicious, you can try it too."

In the courtesy of courtesy, she also gave him a shrimp.

Yin Shao frowned and coughed.

Did this girl ignore him?

Actually the first dish was not for him, it was a bit too much.

Yin Shao murmured Mu Fei.

He even noticed the details of wanting to eat shrimp, does it mean that this person has been paying attention to every little move?

He was vaguely unhappy.

This Mu Fei showed too much special treatment to Xiao Xiao.

However, from his eyes, he could not see that there was a relationship between men and women.

What ’s the mystery in it?

However, thinking of Mu Fei's weird character, he could not think with ordinary people's thinking, he gave up.

He noticed that Yin Shaojie's cough sounded that Mu Xiaoxiao would come to him very cleverly.

She clipped a shrimp with a smile and put it in Yin Shaoyi's bowl.

"It's delicious."

Yin Shaoxian glanced at the shrimp and said, "There is a shell."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Don't you want me to peel the shell and eat it for you?

Would you like to be so uncle!

Yin Shaojie didn't mean that, he wiped his hands with a hot towel, picked up the shrimp in the bowl, quickly peeled the shell, and then handed it to her.

"Open your mouth." The standard command tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his mouth instinctively, forgetting that Mu Fei looked at this light bulb.

The shrimp was put in her mouth.

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