Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2151: A mysterious organization (6)

Afraid that Dad was worried, she said, "Just ... He said he was sullen at home, and his eyes were better, so I asked him to go out for a walk, Dad, did you eat? Where are you now?"

Knowing that Dad hadn't eaten yet, Mu Xiaoxiao was distressed.

"Dad, why haven't you eat yet? It's all over, haven't you ... went to the hospital to visit Aunt Shen? How is Aunt Shen's condition now? Why didn't you eat with her? Oh ... wait Eat again? Bye. "

After Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, she felt a bit wrong.

Dad did n’t eat lunch. Is he going to accompany Shen Meiling?

Because my father just said that Shen Meiling was doing an inspection, her meal time was delayed.

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about something, and was choked by Yin Shaojie.

"What's wrong? What did your dad say?"

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips. "Dad ... is still in the hospital."

I don't know why, she was a little nervous.

She looked up and said to Yin Shaoji, "Dad hasn't eaten yet, otherwise, let's make some food in the kitchen and send it to them together."

"Well, you can," Yin Shaoji concurred.

Mu Xiaopu drew his hand and walked towards the restaurant.

By the way, I want to bring Shen Meiling a little porridge, and some things my dad like to eat.

In fact, giving food was just an excuse. Her main purpose was to secretly look at how her father got along with Shen Meiling.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found the ward where Shen Meiling lived.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand and motioned to Yin Shaojie not to speak.

She stooped and stomped away the doorknob of the ward.

Very good, there was no sound.

People in the ward should not have noticed her.

The soundproofing of the VIP ward is better than that of the ordinary ward. Fortunately, the door was opened, otherwise she could not overhear.

The door only opened a little gap.

Mu Xiaoxiao put her ears up and heard the sound coming from inside.

Yin Shaoxing's handsome face appeared above her.

Two people went on and off together to eavesdrop.

Mu Zhengbai's voice was calm and indifferent. "You will take good care of your illness. When you are cured, move to an apartment in my name for the time being. You can live for a few months and plan."

When he heard this, Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked.

Dad asked Shen Meiling to move to his apartment?

What does it mean?

Is Kaneya hidden?

Mu Xiao was a little worried and cautious. Dad shouldn't go through this incident, and he felt pity for Shen Meiling. Going to try with her?

The more you think about it, the more this is possible.

I heard that men can easily sympathize with weak women and unconsciously want to take care of her.

When you take care of you, you will have feelings.

After all, my father has been lonely for so long ...

Although Shen Meiling's face was disfigured, how to say, she was a bit like her mother before, and when she does a facelift, she may be more like her.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that she could accept Shen Meiling, but when she thought about it, she had repulsion in her heart.

There was another voice inside the room.

This time it was Shen Meiling. After a period of rehabilitation, her voice was not as husky as it was just waking up.

"Mr. Mu, thank you, I ... can I ask you a question?"

There was a clear wish in that voice.

Mu Zhengbai said, "Well, you ask."

"I ... I and you ... Can you give me a chance? Let's try it, if it doesn't work, I will never entangle you."

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