Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2152: A mysterious organization (7)

In this kind of words, girls should generally not speak. It can be seen how much courage Shen Meiling has gathered.

Obviously, she had put down all expectations.

But Mu Zhengbai's care for her recently made her unable to give up.

Every woman wants someone to rely on, especially a mature and stable man like Mu Zhengbai.

For Shen Meiling, she never asked for money or material.

What she was looking for was just the one who made her feel good, and the one who made her think for the rest of her life.

And this person, she thinks is Mu Zhengbai.

I was very eager to be with him for the rest of my life, to be the most important woman in his life, to fall in love with him, to be petted by him.

Although she also knew that his dead wife was always the first in his heart.

But she didn't care, she could retreat to the second place, even the third place after Mu Xiaoxiao.

Although Shen Meiling's thoughts were different from those of the older generation, she also felt that Mu Zhengbai had lost his wife for so many years and it was time to find a new woman.

Hearing Shen Meiling's question, Mu Xiaoxiao was out.

Her heart stagnated, her breath held.

What would dad answer?

Mu Xiaoxiao herself was contradictory. She didn't know if she wanted her father to agree or refuse.

She raised her ears and listened intently.

Feeling her nervousness, Yin Shaojie, who had the probe above her, reached out and rubbed her cheek, as if to say, rest assured.

Mu Xiaoxiao calmed down.

Inside the house.

Mu Zhengbai did not think long, or in other words, he did not think at all.

He looked at Shen Meiling and said bluntly, "Sorry, no."

Although Shen Meiling had already guessed the answer, she could not help losing her face.

"No, it's okay. I've been prepared to be rejected. I'm sorry ... I don't deserve you, and I dare to expect so."

Have to be ugly once to be truly dead.

All the previous disappointment is actually just a kind of self-hypnosis, thinking that you have lost your mind, but it is not.

Why is it so easy to die?

If he really loses his heart, he will not always follow his eyes, expecting him to visit himself every day.

Shen Meiling felt very embarrassed and wiped her face.

There was a little tear in the corner of her eye.

Rejected, although prepared and expected long ago, it was still very sad.

To hide her sorrow, she smiled and said, "You still can't forget your wife? You are so affectionate to your wife ..."

Love is enviable.

Why is such a good man defending himself like a jade for a dead woman?

She didn't understand and couldn't understand.

Although she believes in true love, she is also very realistic. She knows that human nature is the most afraid of loneliness. When lonely, as long as you have a heart to give yourself warmth, it is easy to fall.

However, no matter how much she paid, Mu Zhengbai would not accept it.

He does not fall.

He told her with his actions, telling everyone that he had only his wife in his heart.

From the first day of understanding, Shen Meiling knew that he was lonely.

However, she didn't know that he could resist this loneliness just by missing his wife.

Even every miss of his wife will make his loneliness deeper.

However, his love for his wife will not fade away or abate any time.

Mu Zhengbai looked at Shen Meiling and said, "Today, this is the last time I see you."

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