Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2153: A mysterious organization (8)

"Last time? Why is it the last time?" Shen Meiling was concerned about this sentence. She was mistaken, she was panicked, and almost wanted to lift the quilt and get out of bed.

Even if she told herself to die, she still wanted to see him.

Mu Zhengbai said to her, "I'm sorry, I used you before."

Shen Meiling was even lowered by his words. "Why use us ... aren't we friends? We are friends, we care about each other, and we should help each other."

Mu Zhengbai did not explain.

He is not a person who likes to explain.

And he felt that at this time there was no need for more explanation.

The more explanations, the more reveries left to her.

He said, "You don't have to worry about the cost of hospitalization, and the place to stay after you leave the hospital. You can think about what I just said. After all, you were injured in my house, which is what I should compensate you for."

When she heard the word compensation, Shen Meiling's face was a bit ugly.

"Don't you want to see me?"

Mu Zhengbai sighed, "I did something wrong before. I shouldn't miss my wife through you. This way of using you will cause you to think about me, which also makes me feel ashamed of my wife."

Shen Meiling's face froze.

By saying so, did he regret knowing her?

Has her existence been wiped out?

This made her unacceptable.

Even if you can't be with him, can't you continue to be friends?

She said stiffly, "I didn't think you used me ... I know I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have this extravagant hope, so I just treat you as a friend. Of course, I also know that I am even you None of my friends are qualified ... "

The more you say, the humbler you are.

Yes, she doesn't even have the qualifications to be his friend.

Mu Zhengbai said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that."

Shen Meiling was silent.

Mu Zhengbai probably realized that he hurt her. After a while, he replied, "Shen Meiling, you are a very good woman. Being friends with me will keep you from going out, which is not good for you."

Shen Meiling stunned, she was a smart person, so she quickly understood what he meant.

He didn't want to delay her.

Shen Meiling was sore, and the throbbing heart couldn't stop.

Why is such a thoughtful and stable man not her?

"I see." She nodded slowly.

Mu Zhengbai observed her expression and saw that she was not digging into the horns of the horns, so she was relieved.

He said, "After your body recovers slightly, the doctor will arrange cosmetic surgery for you. Just accept the arrangement and don't reject it."

"Well, thank you." Although Shen Meiling didn't want to accept so much of his kindness, she also knew very well that her face was like this. If she didn't do cosmetic surgery, her future emotional path would only be more bumpy.

And she doesn't have enough savings to do cosmetic surgery now.

This matter cannot be delayed any longer.

"As for Shen Chuchu, I don't interfere with how you plan. I just hope she won't appear in front of Xiaoxiao." Mu Zhengbai said with a cold expression.

He must make Shen Meiling clear, his bottom line is small.

If Shen Chuchu wanted to take revenge on the little one after that, he would not be merciless.

Mentioning Shen Chuchu, Shen Meiling's face also became bad.

"Well, I'll tell her."

Shen Meiling was also very nerve-wracking.

She did not expect that Shen Chuchu would become like this.

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