Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2154: A mysterious organization (9)

Although she loves Shen Chuchu, she is not blindly loving. Shen Chuchu's current situation is no longer suitable for staying in the United States.

She told Mu Zhengbai, "I plan to send her back to China, give her family some money, and send her to hospital."

Big cities are too impetuous to recuperate.

"Um." Mu Zhengbai answered softly.

The atmosphere inside the room was a bit stiff.

On the one hand, Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved, and on the other hand, she was distressed by Shen Meiling.

She thought about it, reached out and pushed open the door, and called with a brisk voice, "Daddy, Aunt Shen, see what delicious food I brought to you!"

Raise the bag in your hand.

The original dull atmosphere was broken, because the air appeared brighter because of the small appearance.

Shen Meiling figured it out. After she really let go of that thought, she didn't feel embarrassed in the face of Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Little, are you here? What delicious food did you bring?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "I know you and your dad haven't eaten yet. I will let the cook at home make something delicious and bring it to you in person."

Her face was full of little expressions of praise.

Shen Meiling was infected with a smile.

Yin Shaojiu, who followed in, greeted the two elders, and went to help Mu Xiao take things out.

The table on the hospital bed was put up and filled with boxes.

"This porridge is for Aunt Shen, and there are some light snacks. You can rest assured to eat Aunt Shen, I asked the doctor, these things can be eaten, as for the rest, it is for Dad."

Shen Meiling smelled the scent, her heart was warm, her eyes were touched.

"You are so sweet, thank you."

"Aunt Shen, don't be so polite, try it quickly, thank you if it's delicious." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, opened the insulation pot, and thoughtfully took out a spoon for Shen Meiling.

Shen Meiling didn't know what to think, and her face was sad.

The warmth Mu Xiaoxiao brought to her reminded her of Shen Chuchu.

About six months ago, she had a serious illness and stayed in the hospital for half a month. During that time, she would come to the hospital with her every time after school.

But by contrast, at first, she only came to the hospital for half an hour, and then left.

Not as intimate as Mu Xiaoxiao, but also brought her own porridge, and also considered her physical condition.

Shen Meiling looked at Mu Zhengbai and Mu Xiaoxiao in front of her, and was sorry.

It is she who has no blessing and cannot be part of the Mu family.

When she was lying in bed last night, she couldn't help thinking, how good it would be if Mu Zhengbai was not so rich.

She hoped that he was just an ordinary person, even if he was not so handsome.

So she might have a chance, right?

However, these thoughts are just thoughts.

Mu Xiaoxiao also poured the porridge of the thermos pot into the bowl before handing it to Shen Meiling.

Shen Meiling took the spoon she handed, took a bite of porridge, and suddenly the warmth flowed into the body's internal organs.

Such warmth is rare, and she must treasure it.

Shen Meiling is fortunate that she is not blind for love.

Therefore, she did not think of using any means to obtain Mu Zhengbai, because she thought that barely there was no happiness.

What she wanted was a true heart to her from beginning to end.

Mu Zhengbai is a good person, but not her.


When Mu Zhengbai and Shen Meiling have run out of meals together, Shen Meiling should take a break after taking the medicine.

The three left together.

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