Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2155: A mysterious organization (10)

Mu Xiaoxiao held his father's hand intimately and smiled brightly.

"Dad, it will be New Year's Day soon. I remember, it was the anniversary of your meeting with your mother. Do you have any plans?"

Actually, she wanted to tell her about it.

Well, she wanted to surprise her father.

Mu Zhengbai smiled lovingly, rubbing her little head, "Well, remember."

Having a daughter is intimate.

No wonder they all say that her daughter is the intimate little jacket of her parents.

Fortunately, Mu family does not have the bad habit of patriarchism. Even because there are so many boys, the Mu family actually prefers girls.

This is why Xiao Xiao is so favored at Mu Family.

There are many small cousins, and as a child, each cousin was anxious to give her a good gift.

Even the cousin, in turn, petted this little sister.

Mu Xiaoxiao clung to his father's hand and quietly reached into his ear and said, "Tell you, Yin Shaojii originally wanted me to accompany him to Sydney for the New Year, but I told him I would stay at home with my father So rejected him. "

Her little face reads: Dad, I'm good or bad, praise!

Mu Zhengbai stopped suddenly and looked at her.

"Little, I just want to go back and tell you again."

Mu Xiao looked at Dad in doubt, "What's the matter to tell me?"

Mu Zhengbai looked at Yin Shaojie next to him and said with a smile, "You and Shaoxue will go to Sydney to celebrate the New Year. I will go back to China."

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Return? Dad, why do you want to return to China? No, I can accompany you when you return, I will return with you!"

"No, I'll go back with the nationals." Mu Zhengbai shook his head at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked and confused, busy asking, "Someone? Who? Auntie Shen? Didn't you just reject her? Or say ... Actually, you have someone else you like? Why don't you tell I!"

Mu Zhengbai curled her fingers, knocked her little head, and rebuked, "What did you say? I've told you hundreds of times, I only have my wife in my heart."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured and asked aggrievedly, "Then you say someone is accompanying ... who is with you? You don't want me to accompany you, you want someone to accompany you."

Hook, she turned a little jealous.

I really want to know who that person is!

Why can't my dad not accompany her?

Mu Zhengbai laughed, "You silly girl, of course your mother is with me."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect this answer at all. He froze and blinked dumbly.

"It's mom ..."

Then she would be jealous.

Mu Zhengbai explained, "This year is the twentieth anniversary of my acquaintance with your mother. This meaning is different. I miss your mother so much, so I plan to go back.

Mu Xiao was moved very carefully.

It turned out to be the twentieth anniversary. It is no wonder that Dad would think about Mom so.

"Then, I can accompany you back, why don't you let me accompany you, and I will accompany you with my mother." She was still uneasy, always afraid that her father would be alone.

Mu Zhengbai hummed, "Who wants you to have this light bulb together, you still have to play with Shao Yi, I just have your mother to accompany."

Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, "Okay ..."

Thick, actually said she was a light bulb.

Seeing Dad so seriously, it seems that he really didn't want her to disturb his mother's anniversary.

Mu Xiaoxiao was also very knowledgeable, so he compromised.

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