Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2156: Then you say you love me (1)

Mu Zhengbai said, "Wait for Dad to have afternoon tea, and I booked an evening flight, and I will take you with me for a while."

Mu Xiaoshi was surprised, "So fast, why did you return home so early?"

Mu Zhengbai smiled and said, "Because I want to go back to your mother earlier and stay with her for a few more days."

It turns out ...

He said so, of course, Mu Xiaoxiao was helpless.

Who puts himself in second place in my father's mind, and my mother is the first.

"Okay ..." she bowed her head.

"Now, baby will go shopping with me first." Mu Zhengbai took her little hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao was slightly surprised, thinking that he heard it wrong, "Go shopping? Dad, am I right? Do you want to go shopping?"

Mu Zhengbai bowed his head, "Well, to go back with your mother, of course, buy some gifts to go back."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Pampering his wife and mad monster, she served!

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao discovered that even though her mother had died for so many years, many things have not changed. For example, in her father's heart, her mother still seems to exist.

This made her feel indescribable.

She thought it was probably more romantic than a fairy tale.

Mu Xiaoxiao held his father's arm and rubbed his head with a coquettish look.

"Dad, I want gifts too ..."

"Buy it for your mother first, and then you pick it yourself."


Sure enough, no matter what, mother is first.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but a little snack vinegar.


time flies.

After buying gifts, Mu Zhengbai is going to the airport.

Mu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to send his father to the airport, but he refused to let her go, saying that he didn't need to.

At the door of the house, after watching Dad's car go.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head, and just now he was still reluctant, and immediately changed into a smiling face.

"We don't have much time. Hurry up and plan!"

Yin Shaojie, "..."

This girl's emotions go really fast.

Mu Xiaoxiao dragged Yin Shaojie back into the room.

"You said you were going to Sydney before. Really want to go to Sydney to see the New Year's fireworks? There must be a lot of people? You may not be able to book a flight now." Mu Xiaoxiaoban was lying on the sofa and checking the flight with her mobile phone.

Sure enough, the flights to Sydney were gone.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face crossed, "What to do, really no more ... Are we going to change places?"

She sighed in sorrow and leaned back into Yin Shao's arms.

Yin Shao held her and lowered her head to peck on her lips.

Mu Xiaoxiao was shy and covered his lips with his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Yin Shaoji laughed hesitantly, like a stealthy wolf, "Anyway, your dad is not at home anymore, and he is not afraid he will see it."

Never worry about breaking your third leg again.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Yin Shaojie is presumed to have been too depressed before. Whenever she got a chance, she arrogantly started and started to fight against her.

"Ah! Yin Shaojie! Can you be serious? Will people tell you about New Year's Eve? Do you not want to play? If you don't want to go, let's forget, I will book a plane for returning home immediately, and I will follow my father to return home!

Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry, drumming his cheeks and trying to get up.

Yin Shaojie dragged her back.

He raised his hand to surrender.

"Okay, don't bother you, let's discuss the New Year's Eve."

Anyway, on New Year's Day, you must eat her!

Yin Shaojiu could not help thinking about the beautiful picture.

Keke, restrained.

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