Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2190: Otherwise I will touch you (3)

However, it does not mean that the python let them go.

The python raised its head and spit out snake snakes, which was a little provocative. Scarlet eyes seemed to be impatient and wanted to start a meal.

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks Yin Shaojiu's calmness is pretended.

Is he actually scared?

In the face of such a large snake, how could anyone not be afraid.

She yanked Yin Shaoji, "Yin Shaoji, let's run, we have four legs, it has no legs, we run fast, it should not catch up."

Yin Shaoji asked her, "Don't you have soft feet? Can't you run?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She was a little soft and her legs were trembling.

After all, this thing is a snake!

And just now, if it wasn't for Yin Shaoxu's reaction fast enough, this snake would have tangled her feet.

She was scared after thinking about it.

Yin Shaoji said, "If the snakehead doesn't like it, then we will make charcoal grill."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "... Can you kid me?"

Now the atmosphere has slowed down a lot, no more joking is needed.

"Or, boiled snake slices?" Yin Shaoji continued to ask, holding a knife in his backhand, and his black eyes flashed with confidence.

The snake reminded him of the special **** training he once had.

On several occasions, he was allowed to fight naked with fierce animals.

So, in the face of this seemingly scary snake, he was not afraid, but the blood was boiling.

Generally speaking, pet snakes are most likely to appear in big cities, and will not be aggressive.

But the snake's eyes are fierce, which is not what a pet snake would have.

At this time, the snake head became taller and taller, posing an attacking posture.

Yin Shaoxu pulled off Mu Xiao's hand and motioned to her, "You take a step back and run towards Qiqing them."

He meant, he wanted to deal with this snake alone?

Mu Xiaoxiao was worried about him and shook his head. "No, let's run together."

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "Rest assured, it is just a python, not a viper, so the viper must be afraid."

"But pythons are also scary ..."

She was creepy just staring at the snake's eyes.

If it wasn't for Yin Shao's powerful momentum to confront the snake, she would be the only one.

Anyway, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he couldn't do anything to leave him and run away.

"Yin Shaoxing, I want to live and die with you!" She said resolutely.

Yin Shaojie laughed, "It's just a non-toxic snake, what is life and death, you should think about how to eat it, I think boiled snake slices are good, otherwise this is it."

Mu Xiaoxiao also wanted to tell him to stop joking.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded.

The snake, which was about to attack, paused, as if reluctant, turned the snake's head and swam behind.

Yin Shao squinted and looked at the shadow not far away.

That is personal.

The black shadow came step by step and appeared in their field of vision.

With a smiley voice, "You are too much, right? You want to eat my little baby, but also boiled, sigh, it's too cruel."

is Chinese!

I saw the big snake swimming in front of the man, like a coquettish, holding his head with his head.

Yin Shaojie saw the other man, a man with a handsome appearance.

Looking at the face is Oriental, plus the other party just spoke Chinese, it should be Chinese.

"Is it your pet?" Yin Shaoji asked.

The serpent that had just appeared vicious is now like a lazy kitten, lazy on the man's shoulder, with the snake's head against the man's neck.

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