Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2191: Otherwise I will touch you (4)

The man smiled and said, "Well, are you Chinese?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Well."

"That's my compatriot. Sorry, I just drove it out for a drive. I didn't expect it to be too playful. I slipped off the car. Fortunately, I found out in time that no one should be injured, right?"

The man said, and touched the snake's belly, as if confirming whether it was eating.

Yin Shao frowned, watching what the man said, indicating that the snake was offensive.

Such a dangerous animal, he actually raised as a pet?

When Mu Xiaoxiao saw that the danger was lifted, the frightened grievances surged up and said to the man, "Such a snake, you should be optimistic about it, it almost attacked me."

In the moonlight, her delicate little face was angry, and her little red mouth was sulking, but she looked very attractive.

The man's eyes were locked in her face, and there was a hint of interest in them.

"I'm so sorry, did it scare you? I will teach it for you."

Hearing this sentence, the snake seemed to be aggrieved, the snake's head dropped, and he flattered his neck.

The man touched the snake's head, his eyes met her eyes, and the corner of his mouth said with a smile, "This little guy may be looking at you and looking for you. I hope you don't mind."

Then the ghost believed!

Anyway, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't believe it.

The night wind, passing by, lifted her silky hair.

Yin Shaojie noticed that the man's eyes had been locked on the small body, which made him very unhappy.

"Forget it, you are optimistic about your pet in the future."

He was sure that the snake had just wanted to attack them.

But if the other side insists that the snake is not aggressive, it just wants to play with them.

It is meaningless to argue like this.

He turned to Mu Xiao's hand and motioned to Ye Sijue, ready to take everyone away.

Who knows, the man came forward and called them.

"Wait a minute, my little baby has shocked you. As the owner of it, I should give him a gift. Where are you going now? Should I send you?

"No need." Yin Shaoxing refused.

When the man said this, his eyes kept sticking to Mu Xiao's body.

Yin Shaojie simply wanted to slap people.

Ye Sijue called the hotel and asked the hotel to send a car over, but it was far away, and it took some time.

Yin Shaojie didn't want to wait for a moment, just wanted to take Xiaoxiao out of this person's sight.

The man was behind them, still saying, "It can be considered a fate to meet in a foreign country. I think we can be friends, how?"

Yin Shaojie looked cold and ignored.

The man went on to say, "Should you be tourists? Which hotel? I came here to play, maybe we have a chance to stay in the same hotel?"

Yin Shaojiu continued to be indifferent.

Han Qiqing was impatient, pointing at the snake behind him and saying, "This friend, we don't care anymore, can you take it away? Being followed by him like this, I feel uncomfortable, do you understand?"

Although she knew the snake was a pet, she felt cyanotic.

The man said, "It's very good, otherwise I'll touch you."

Han Qiqing shrank back, "Don't!"

There, Ye Sijue stopped two taxis and took everyone on board.

Song Shijun dragged Han Qiqing, "Get in the car."

The man stood in place, his eyes looking at the end of the car they were leaving, he touched the head of the snake, "That's good."

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