Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2197: Slap handsomely (2)

Yin Shaojie gently twitched his lips. "It's interesting, but I have a question, so this magic is for me to perform, isn't it for you to perform?"

The magician thought he was hard-mouthed and explained, "This magic is like this. In fact, you are using it to verify that the magic is real. I will perform it after you."

In other words, he waited to see Yin Shaoxu calling for help, shame, and then he completed the magic handsomely.

He couldn't understand the girl's mind.

By that time, the little beauty will be disappointed with her boyfriend, and he will be worshipped.

He used magic to successfully soak many girls and almost never failed.

Yin Shaojiu said, "I once, you once, this is very reasonable."

So he raised his hand generously and said, "Begin binding."

When the magician saw that he didn't know how to die, he hummed, and motioned for him to put his hands together, and then tied his arms with a rope.

The rope was long, tied the arms, and tied around him.

Yin Shaojie can move only his feet.

The assistant opened the door of the cage and let Yin Shaojiu enter.

The magician smiled and told the audience, "Then the countdown starts in two minutes. Don't blink, let's see if he can escape?"

With his gesture, the countdown started.

He waited to appreciate Yin Shaoji's panic and fear.

However, what makes people unexpected is that Yin Shaoyin in the iron cage looks very calm and looks unhurried, as if there are still a lot of time in two minutes.

I saw Yin Shaoxu's hands twisted, as if trying to figure out how to break free of these ropes.

The magician sneered in his heart.

He knows how to tie up to break free, and of course he also knows how to tie up so that people cannot break free.

Just try to break free, break free, count me as a loser!

Two minutes passed quickly.

The magician waited for Yin Shaoji to make a miserable cry for help.

The thick iron plate above the iron cage sank a little and looked horrifying.

Yin Shaojie is already in a squatting state. If he continues like this, he will probably be crushed to death.

There are 40 seconds left.

If it's two minutes, the person inside can only be in a kneeling position, and it will look very ugly and embarrassing.

The magician was looking forward to seeing Yin Shaojiu kneeling.

Suddenly, an uproar came from the audience.

"He untied! He untied!"

Then came thunderous applause.

The countdown also stopped at 36 seconds.

Yin Shaoxu's hands were free, so he took the key on the iron cage, opened the door, and walked out smartly.

The magician's face turned black, and he looked at him in disbelief, his eyes fluttered as if to ask: How did you untie the rope? How can you solve it? !!

He's obviously tied very tightly!

Even if there are skills, in the case of being tied like that, it should be inextricable.

Yin Shao raised his hands arrogantly, "I won, now it's your show."

This time, his eyes were full of provocation.

The magician felt a chill inexplicably, but he was still holding on.

He nodded and said, "OK, it's me."

As the audience, the other party can easily perform this performance.

He is a magician and can only escape faster than the other side, otherwise it will be ugly.

The assistant went over to take the rope and handed it to Yin Shaoji.

The magician held his head up, and handed his hands easily in front of Yin Shaoyan.

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