Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2198: Slap handsomely (3)

Yin Shaoyi tied him a rope.

The magician closed his hands secretly, and as long as he put his hands together, he could break free of the rope.

However, Yin Shaojiu's tying method is a bit strange.

Before the magician could see clearly, Yin Shaojiu had tied it up and let go of his hand.

Yin Shaoyi made a pleased gesture to him, "It's up to you."

The magician was silent, still thinking about the way he just tied it, and simulating the way to break free in his mind.

When the magician entered the iron cage, Yin Shaojiu went to the lock himself, and then his fingers quietly bent, and the lock was misaligned a little, so that even if there was a key, it would not open for a while.

Yin Shaoxu slowly hung the key on the door of the iron cage.

"Then count down." He raised his hand and smiled at the audience.

The audience gave him applause because he just performed wonderfully.

The countdown starts.

Two minutes, 120 seconds.

Time flies fast.

The magician struggled in the iron cage. He wanted to twist his hands to find a space to escape.

But he was surprised to find that the more he twisted, the tighter the rope became.

One minute passed.

The magician panicked, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He hasn't figured out a way to break the rope.

How to do?

How to do!

60 seconds, fleeting.

The magician knelt down in the iron cage, embarrassed and embarrassed.

Seeing only ten seconds, the heavy iron plate pressed against his back, like a declaration of death.

It is not uncommon to die during a magical process.

The serpent, which had been quiet next to it, probably felt the fear of the owner, so it tongued out the scarlet letter and hissed at Yin Shaoyu, as if intimidating and preparing to attack.

Yin Shaoyan's eyes stared at it as sharply as those dark eyes were deep and cold.

The serpent originally wanted to move forward, but was shocked by the eyes of the opponent, and actually moved back unconsciously.

Five seconds left!

The magician's heart was almost out of his mouth.

In his ear is the countdown to ‘dididi’, like the call of death.

Fear tightened his pupils.

He almost lay on his back in an iron cage and finally shouted, "Help! Help!"

The heavy iron plate stopped.

But he was almost sandwiched between the floor of the cage and the iron plate, like a sandwich sandwich, funny and embarrassing.

I don't know which audience laughed first, and the others followed.

The magician was afraid and angry, but at this time he had to escape from the iron cage first.

"Mary, what are you standing for! Come and open the door!"

He yelled at the faint female assistant aside.

The assistant turned back and hurried over, took the key hanging from it, and prepared to open the door.

However, twisted, but the lock did not open.

The assistant panicked and anxious, twisted the key hard, but accidentally broke the key inside.

The magician looked at the scene in horror, and the sound of scolding was broken.

"What the **** are you doing!"

The female assistant has done so much magic with him. He has never encountered an accident, nor has he encountered such a situation, so the whole person was panicked.

"sorry Sorry……"

"Hurry up and find a way!"

On the stage, soldiers and horses were in chaos, and Yin Shaoxing took a cynical step, walked to the stage, and then jumped handsomely, took Mu Xiaos hand, and pulled her away.

When passing by the audience, many people gave him thumbs up, applause and praise.

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