Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2202: Don't look (3)

They ate late for lunch, so it was almost time for afternoon tea.

Only the foreigners ate late. At this time, many people started to get up. The shop was too busy.

In the corner of the store, the little girl was playing with puppies, kittens and cats and feeding them.

Cats and cats eat slowly, while dogs and dogs eat the same.

After the puppies finished eating, they ran around vigorously, almost ran to the feet of the adults, and were almost stepped on.

"Little sun, don't run so fast ..."

The little girl didn't think it was good, and wanted to carry it back to the house.

Puppy broke away from her hands, two small things in the store started to play after you chase me.

Kitty cat lazily paws and looks at them.

Suddenly, the puppy ran outside.

The little girl followed.

Seeing this, the old lady called and called her back.

But two little things had already gone out, apparently not heard.

Seeing that the boss was so busy, Mu Xiaoxiao made a gesture to her and chased her.

Just didn't think about it. As soon as she stepped out of the store, she heard a loud bang, and a strong pressure came.

The glass in the shop was cracked a little.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

What happened to this explosion ...

She suddenly remembered something and hurriedly looked for the little girl.

Inside the shop, as soon as Yin Shaoyu heard the explosion, she ran outside and ran to Mu Xiaoxiao, dragging her in.

"Come in!"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and said anxiously, "That little girl ... she's outside!"

Due to the explosion, the surroundings were in a state of chaos, and tourists were scared to run around.

Yin Shaojie quickly made a decision, "I'm going to find her, you go in!"

"No, it's dangerous." Mu Xiaoxiao refused.

The boss and his wife also hurried out, shouting the little girl's name.

The lady boss cried.

"what happened……"

Yin Shaowan frowned, and flashed in his head the news of the terrorist attack seen in the United States.

Just, is it so coincidental?

Before they were in the United States, they encountered terrorist attacks. When they arrived in Sydney, they encountered terrorist attacks?

He didn't know that it was an accident in the United States, but this time it was artificial ...

Just as they were anxious, they heard someone shouting, "There is a little girl lying on the ground over there."

Mu Xiao shuddered cautiously, and she couldn't care about Yin Shaojie, she broke his hand and ran towards the direction of the explosion.

After a few steps, she stopped.

Just in front of her eyes, a little more than ten meters away, the little girl was lying on the ground, holding the puppy in her arms.

The little girl didn't move, so quiet as a lifeless doll ...

Behind him, the cry of the boss lady came.

The boss and the lady owner crossed her and ran over.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, and her heart was uncomfortably tight, as if a hand was holding her heart.

"Don't ... don't ..." she murmured, choking.

Yin Shaoyi caught up, took her into her arms, and kissed her forehead comfortably.

"Don't look, don't look."

He pressed her head into his arms.

Tears came out of her eyes, and Mu Xiao's mind resounded the little girl's milky laughter, so cute, so naive ...

With the wailing cry of the boss lady, the boss picked up the little girl and ran wildly.

Yin Shaoyi looked at their backs, and could only pray in his heart, hoping that the little girl could be saved.

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