Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2203: Don't look (4)

Someone was discussing it.

"Can it be a terrorist attack? Aren't terrorist attacks in several countries before?"

"Yeah, it's all a place where people gather."

"I heard that it seems that someone has long predicted online that terrorists will carry out terrorist attacks on Sydney ..."

"Oh my God, I wouldn't come to Sydney if I knew it. It would be safer to stay at home."

This time, the police arrived very quickly. Because there have been many tourists recently, they have already dispatched additional staff.

The police car was heard from a distance.

Just when everyone is assured and feels safe.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of 嘭 嘭 ——, and another violent explosion.

This time, it was the police car that was blown up!

The tourists who saw this scene were stunned.

How dare you bomb a police car?

These terrorists are simply lawless!

dark place.

A bald man was shot hard by Dai Lun.

Darren growled angrily, "What are you doing! Who made you bomb the police car!"

The bald man snorted coldly, dismissively, "What happened to the bomb? Anyway, it's the same, isn't it better to bomb a police car? I've wanted to do it already!"

Darren was furious. "I still have to keep the crowd!"

The bald man looked at him scornfully, "I see, you're just looking at someone else and want to get rid of them, and your boyfriend will embarrass you, you're all asking for yourself."

"Damn!" Dalen punched him angrily in anger.

The people on the side whispered, "Okay, don't you go inside? Do you think we've all been found? We have to hurry! We can't delay the important things at night for Darren's private affairs."

"I'm not going, I'm leaving you to go!" Dai Lun shook off the man's hand, scarlet eyes, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaoji from a distance.

He dropped bombs on both sides of the road.

Just waiting for this group of people to run out of the store, no matter which way they run, he just needs to press the switch ...

Imagine these people being fried into meat sauce, he was excited.

The man slapped him and glared at him angrily, "Fuck, can you tell the difference between primary and secondary? If you delay the business, we will all be killed by you!"

Darlene finally compromised.

The group withdrew from their hiding place.

Not far away, Yin Shaoyan narrowed his eyes, and just spotted Daelen walking in the end.

That magician?

So coincident, he's here too?

Yin Shaojie did not believe that such a coincidence would happen.

And from this man's expression, he interpreted unwillingness and anger.

In particular, this group seems too calm compared to the restless tourists.

In an instant they disappeared into the corner of a shop.

That path is very narrow, and most people would not choose this path.

Unless ... in order to avoid the police?

Yin Shao narrowed his eyes and thought of a possibility.


If it is so coincident ...

That's it!

When his eyes recovered, he wanted to find the accounts of the terrorists who had disrupted his marriage proposal.

It's just that the terrorists are very secretive. He asked the people in the organization to find it, but there is no news for the time being.

Perhaps the terrorists in the United States are the same organization as these people?

And intuitively told Yin Shaojie, there are six or seven of these terrorists, and the goal cannot be as simple as that.

Thinking of New Year's Eve fireworks tonight ...

This is the world's first celebration of entering the new year, which brings together millions of people from all over the world to come and watch here.

If he is a terrorist, the goal should be ...

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