Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2241: Show me (4)

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was about to jump out, and said shamefully, "There is no picture! It was originally painted by the beautiful lady boss, how could I have a picture?"

Can this topic be uncovered like this?

Obviously, however.

Yin Shaojie is like a child who finds interesting toys. He is very interested and asks to the end.

"Then you paint a picture, what does your custom look like?"

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to pretend to be dead.

She pretended to be dead, she tilted her head and closed her eyes.

Yin Shaojie pinched her nose.

Mu Xiaoxiao was eventually forced to 'live' because of difficulty breathing.

"Woohoo, I don't remember, don't ask me!" She pulled up the quilt and pulled it over her head.

Yin Shaojiu ripped off the quilt and threw it under the bed.

Mu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to curl up and bury his head in his knees, like a cat trying to hide himself.

"Okay, then you can never forget, how many sets did you make?" Yin Shaoxing continued to ask.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak.

Yin Shaojie glanced at her, humming twice, threatening with words, "Are you sure you don't say it?"

Mu little finger moved.

Yin Shaojie reached out and hacked her.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it, let go of his curled body and rolled on the bed, "Don't don't ... I said, I said I can!"

Yin Shaojie let her go, "One hundred and fifty, say without a word!"

"Just ... I did ... a set." Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled around, and she lied.

Looking at him, she knew even if she thought about it with her toes, he would let her wear every set to him.

Mu Xiaoxiao imagined the clothes of those who were ashamed, but felt that his heart was about to explode.

So she lied and said there was only one suit, so that when the time came, she would wear only one suit.

"Really?" Yin Shaojiu looked unbelievable.

"Don't lie to me. I'll ask Queen. If she tells me it's not the same, you'll be awful ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She wasn't sure if the beautician would betray her.

But she already lied and told a set. If she changed her mouth at this time, wouldn't it mean that she had just lied?

However, if she insists on telling a story now, he has asked the lady boss afterwards, knowing that she is lying, wouldn't she be even worse? This guy will have an excuse to 'punish' her again.

Under the balance, Mu Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes and changed her mouth, "Eh ... there seems to be more than one set, there are two or three sets? I haven't had a good brain recently, I really forgot.

"Huh." Yin Shaoxing seemed satisfied.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Mu Xiaoxiao was also afraid that he would ask anything again, and quickly said, "It may be Qiqing them, you go and open the door!"

Yin Shaojii laughed and went to open the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao pulled up the quilt thrown to the end of the bed and hid himself again.

After a while, footsteps came.

"Get up." Yin Shaojie patted her.

Mu Xiaoxiao whimpered and lifted the quilt, but did not expect that what was in sight was a black lace cheongsam dress.

This skirt is not ...

Yin Shaoji said with a smile, "I was sent to dry clean outside. It was very clean. You smell it, and the scent of lavender."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Yin Shaojiu hooked his lips and said, "I especially want to see you wear it now. Would you like to get up and try it on for me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Can she say no?

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