Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2242: I don't want to be separated from you (1)

"Ahem." Mu Xiaoxiao got up, stared at the skirt he was holding, opened the quilt, got out of bed, and reached out to take over.

"This ... do you really want to see me wear that?"

Yin Shaojiao nodded.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought, "That's good ..."

Then, she turned into the bathroom with her skirt.

As soon as Yin Shaozhen realized that he was wrong, he heard the sound of closing the door.

He stepped forward and patted the door. "Little, what do you want?"

From there came Mu Xiaoxiao's cheerful voice, "What are you doing, don't you want me to show you? I'll just wear it."

Yin Shao squinted and thought she should not be so obedient.

The next second, there was a sound of water.

Yin Shaoxu looked helpless.

The next second, the bathroom door opened, and Mu Xiaoxiao came out with a wet skirt and said with a sad face, "What should I do? I accidentally got wet."

Of course, Yin Shaoyi knew that she had deliberately just glanced at her without talking.

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "You don't think I did it on purpose? I didn't do it on purpose, I really want to show it to you."

"Really? Then there are two more outside. I'll get them for you."

Yin Shaoji said, he was going out.

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, hurriedly hurried ahead of him, rushed out, and found the dry-cleaning bag.

"Well, don't force you to wear it, is it okay?" Yin Shaojie could not laugh or cry.

If you don't stop her, you are afraid that she will destroy both of them.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Yin Shaoji hummed twice, walked over and snatched the bag back, "If you don't like it so much, I'll give it away."

"Give it away? To whom?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Yin Shaojiu's black eyes turned, and the corner of his mouth drew up, "Who is it for ... This size, I think An Anxin should be quite suitable? Give it to her."

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him angrily, knowing that he was intentional.

Obviously he hasn't contacted An Anxin yet, how can he raise An Anxin?

It's because she deliberately angered her.

"Do you know what it means for a boy to send a girl's clothes?" She said angrily.

Yin Shaojie pretended not to know, "What do you mean? I don't know."

"Giving girls clothes is for my own hands ..." Take off the three words, Mu Xiao was so angry that he didn't want to talk.

Yin Shaoji laughed, "Then you say, you don't wear anyway ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted before he finished speaking, "Who said I wouldn't wear it, would I keep it next time?"

Do you have to wear her today?

Don't let her do psychological preparations.

Abominable Yin Shaojie!

Yin Shaojie originally wanted to tease her. I didn't expect her to be really angry, so she hurriedly coaxed her, "Okay, don't wear it this time, you can wear it whenever you want."

Mu Xiaoxiao felt a bit resentful in his tone.

"You like it so much? I'll wear it!"

"Don't wear it." Yin Shaojie pulled her bag with her, and the girl was very angry. In this atmosphere, it was boring to wear it.

However, the more he said that, the more Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was awkward.

"Don't just wear clothes? I'm not unwilling."

She's just shy.

"I really don't need it." Yin Shaojie didn't give her the bag, Mu Xiaoxiao had to grab it.

Yin Shaoyi threw the bag and threw it on the sofa, trapping her in her arms with her arms.

"Well, don't get angry."

Mu Xiao's novel, "Don't be angry, I'm not angry ..."

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