Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2394: Know the truth (1)

Yin Shaojiang concealed her condition?

What is he hiding?

The more he thought, the more Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to know what was the truth.

She moved her finger to it, hesitated, and almost agreed.

But her fingers suddenly paused and moved away.

Do not!

She must not know the 'truth' from other people's lips!

Even if you want to know, you should let Yin Shaojiu tell her the truth.

Han Yuner just wants to stir up alienation, right?

She shouldn't be fooled.

Mu Xiaoxiao threw the phone to the end of the bed at once, as if this way, he could throw this problem far away.

Yin Shaoyi concealed her ...

In retrospect, she also gradually felt that Yin Shaoyi's behavior today was a bit strange.

Every time she was hospitalized, he was almost inseparable to guard her, and everything he wanted to buy was for others to buy, and he never left her.

But today ...

He left her many times, like just now, he could order takeaway to the ward, but he insisted on eating.

She knew ... It was because he had something to hide from her and he didn't dare to tell her, and he was afraid she would notice it, so he made an excuse to go out.

What's wrong with her condition, and he wants to hide it?

Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on the hospital bed, dragging the quilt, his eyes were a little grim.

She didn't dare to think deeply, because what she thought were terrible results.

Will she ... die?

Is she too sick to die, so Yin Shaojie dare not tell her?

The less you let yourself think, the more you can't help thinking.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought his head was about to explode.

"Yin Shaoxing ..." she called Yin Shaoxing's name dumbly.

She is going to find him.

If her condition is really concealed, this so-called truth, she wants to know from him.

She shouldn't learn from outsiders!

Mu Xiaoxiao was anxious, his eyes filled with water vapor.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She forgot to take her mobile phone, put on slippers and went out.

When the door was opened, the nurse saw her and hurried forward to ask, "Ms. Mu, is there anything wrong? You can tell me anything you need."

Mu Xiaoxiong shook her head, blocking her with her hand, "It's all right ... I'm going to find him ..."

Where will Yin Shaojie go?

The nurse watched her go forward puzzled, and hurried to catch up, "Miss Mu, where are you going?"

"Here in the hospital ... where can I eat?" She turned to the nurse.

The nurse thought she was hungry and explained, "If you want to eat, you can order, and the hospital also has special meals. Are you hungry? Tell me what you want to eat, and I must first judge whether you can Can't eat it to ... "

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, not wanting to listen to her, shook her head and said, "I'm not, I'm not going to ... forget it, I'll find it myself."

There are usually many restaurants outside the hospital, right?

Yin Shaoji said that he would be back soon. He might just go out and find a place and eat a little.

But she couldn't wait.

She is going to find him.

"I'm going out for a while and come back soon, don't follow me." Mu Xiaoxiao said to the nurse, and then went to the elevator.

The nurse followed, and asked, "What about Master Yin? Does Master Yin know you're going out?"

"He knows, he'll know after a while, you don't have to worry about anything, do yourself a favor, don't follow me." Mu Xiaoxiao said, the elevator came, she went in, then raised her hand to stop the nurse from coming in.

The nurse was a little hesitant and hesitated what to do.

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