Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2395: Know the truth (2)

Then, without thinking, she just watched the elevator door shut in front of her.

The elevator started to go down.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood in the elevator and looked at the falling words, without a look on his face.

Her mind was messy and stuffed.

In other words, Yin Shaoxing lied to her?

He said before that her condition was fine.

But in retrospect, why would she stay in the hospital if she was fine?

It makes no sense at all to think so.

He lied to her ...

This is her body, her condition, how can he lie to her!

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little angry.

If Han Yuner hadn't told her, she would have been in the dark.

Her condition, her condition ...

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a headache and hugged her head.

Don't think about it.

Find Yin Shaojie, let him tell her the truth, everything is known.

With a bang, the elevator reached the first floor.

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped out, who knows, within a few steps, someone got entangled.

"Mu Xiaoxiao!"

It's Han Yuner.

Why is this person so indifferent?

Mu Xiaoxiao pretended not to see her and walked forward.

The senior ward is in the back, so you have to go through another corridor to another building before you can go to the hospital door.

Han Yuner said to her, "Did you see the WeChat I sent to you? Why not apply through my friend?"

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her coldly, "Are I familiar with you? Why should I add you WeChat."

Did Han Yuner forget, what did she do to her?

Are they not familiar at all?

Han Yun'er looked slightly changed and said, "Hey, Mu Xiaoxiao, I'm here to help you. Yin Shaoyi concealed your condition. Don't you want to know the truth? If I didn't overhear it, or if I wanted Let me tell you, you have been hidden from him! "


This is the funniest word Mu Xiaoxiao heard.

Does her Han Yuner's dictionary also have the word ‘good intentions’?

it is ridiculous!

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the truth you said. I know very well that Yin Shao'an will not lie to me." Mu Xiaoxiao said so intentionally in order to anger her.

Sure enough, Han Yuner didn't believe it when she heard this.

"He won't lie to you? He didn't lie to you, but he concealed you! He didn't tell you at all, did you? Your true condition."

If Mu Xiaoxiao knew his true condition, it would not be so calm.

So Han Yuner is 100% sure, she must not know yet.

Mu Xiaoxiao said firmly, "He didn't hide me! Han Yuner, don't try to provoke alienation, I won't be fooled."

"Oh, then you say, do you know the truth? Do you know what your condition is like? If you knew, you wouldn't talk to me so calmly now!" Han Yuner sneered and stopped for a while In front of Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know anything, he has to pretend to know, it's disgusting!

She had to expose Mu Xiao's disguise!

The road ahead was stopped by Han Yuner, Mu Xiaoxiao bypassed her and continued to move forward.

Han Yuner stopped again and pushed Mu Xiaoxiao.

"You say! Don't you say you know? Then you say!"

Mu Xiaoxiao took a step back, she was already strong, and her face couldn't stop.

"I don't know, it's up to you!"

"Shall I give you a hint?" Han Yuner said suddenly.

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