Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2416: Good news (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "I ... I'm a bit nervous. You say there is good news, it's just your guess. What if the bad news?

She thinks it's better to play games.

Yin Shaojie got out of bed and stared at her, "Are you sure you want to go? Want me to go alone?"

Mu Xiaoxiao put down his phone and looked at him.

"Okay ... I'll go with you."

The expression that he asked her to accompany him, how could she bear not to accompany him.

"Then wait a moment, and wait for me to finish this game, our side is now the advantage." After that, Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at the phone again.

Yin Shaojie had to wait for her.

After waiting for ten minutes, it was not over, only to hear her keep making various sounds.

"You guy is a helper, you do n’t understand the helper! You do n’t even have to protect me, it ’s too much to sell me!"

"Where is my teammate? Mahjong is played here, and no one is here to help."

"Ah, don't chase me! I don't die!"

"Hey, fortunately I run fast ..."

"No, if you continue this way, you may be overturned. Obviously, we have more advantages, ohh ..."

After another ten minutes, the game is not over yet, and the situation is getting fiercer.

"Stabilize, we can win!"

Yin Shaojie supported her chin and watched her play a game.

it is finally over.

"Yeah! Win!" Mu Xiaoxiao fisted and said happily.

Then she put down her phone and got out of bed.

"Let's go," she said to Yin Shaoxing, and then went straight to the door.

"Wait a minute!" Yin Shaojie called her.

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped and looked back at him in doubt, "What's wrong? Didn't you just go to the report?"

Yin Shaojiu still leaned halfway on the bed, holding her.

"Come here." He hooked his hands.

"Why?" Mu Xiaoxiao walked in front of him in a fog.

Yin Shaoxu held out his hand and "pulled me up."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Are you a three-year-old? Really."

But still pulled him up very cooperatively.

"Alright? Let's go."

She let go of her hand and turned to leave.

His arm was caught.

Yin Shaojie reached out to her again and said angrily, "Did you forget something?"

"Forgot what?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at his hands, completely puzzled.

She didn't think she had forgotten anything!

Yin Shaojun's face was displeased and he hummed, "Your hand."

"My hand?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand and looked at the palm.

Yin Shaoji said, "My hand."

His hand passed to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his hand this time.

"What then?" She asked.

Yin Shaoxu's helpless face finally couldn't help, holding her little hand, "So, do you understand?"

Mu Xiaoxiao waited a moment before reacting.

She couldn't laugh or cry, "Yin Shaoxing, you are ..."

It turned out that he was going to hold hands with her, could he just say no?

Yin Shaojie was very dissatisfied with her response.

"Before you would take my initiative or hold my hand."

I just went out and took care of myself.

Mu Xiaoxiao coaxed, "Okay, it's my fault. I just finished a fierce game, and I can't react for a while, forget it, don't get angry."

Yin Shaoxi snorted and led her out of the ward.

"I knew it earlier, or I won't heal you."

He prefers that when she always depends on him, she always sticks to him and refuses to leave him in one step.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and laughed, knowing he was in a bad temper.

She clenched his hand and shook it playfully.

"We're going to hold hands for a lifetime, so few minutes away, that's okay."

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