Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2417: Good news (4)

Yin Shaojie heard this a little sweet, and forgive her for the time being.

The two went to the director's office together.

The director personally explained to them the results of the second inspection report.

"After an in-depth inspection, I found that the damage of the drug to Miss Mu was not as severe as imagined. Ideally, after medication, Miss Mu's body could return to normal, but there is one thing to pay attention to."

Yin Shaojii was very happy to hear it, and suddenly came to such a sentence, making him nervous again.

"What needs attention?"

As long as he can make the little ones recover and give birth to their children in the future, he is willing to do anything.

The director coughed around his mouth with his hand ring, and he didn't speak well. "It's like this, Master Yin, with Miss Mu's current situation, it's better not to conceive in this half year, preferably within one year. ... "

"So?" Yin Shaojii could not bear to listen to him when he said nothing.

The director coughed again, "So, Master Yin, you better ... forgive me ..."

Yin Shaojiu frowned and almost patted the table.

"what did you say?"

The director was frightened by his expression, and shrank back, and quickly explained, "Of course, it is not to say that you can't do it at all, or ... to pay attention, you can't let Miss Mu become pregnant, you should pay attention to ... uh, take safety measures . "

But he is also a man. Naturally, he knows men best. No man likes to use condoms.

Yin Shaojie stared at him with a serious expression and asked, "That is to say, intimacy is okay, it won't affect her condition, right? Just do contraception?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it means!" The director nodded in a hurry.

After getting the confirmed answer, Yin Shaoxian's expression was relaxed.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered her face with red ears and aside.

God, why is she here?

I knew she would talk about this topic, so she won't come!

The director said, "Emergency contraceptives are absolutely not to be taken. In any case, Miss Mu cannot be taken."

Yin Shaoji said, "I see."

He hadn't given the snack pill before, and of course he wouldn't let her take it.

The director continued to popularize science. "As for the condom, it is not 100% safe if it is not used. This also requires attention. It is best to buy a regular brand.

"Um." Yin Shaozhen nodded rigorously.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She lowered her head to find a hole to drill in.

Why would she listen to them here?

The director saw that Yin Shaozhen's expression was getting better, and he couldn't help trying to please him. He lowered his voice and said, "Master Yin, if you really don't like using condoms, there are actually many methods of contraception, and they are safer than condoms. When in intimacy, some postures ... "


Yin Shaojiao raised his ears and was obviously interested in this.

Suddenly, Mu Xiao stood up suddenly, and the chair rang.

The director was interrupted and looked at her erratically.

"Uh, that ... you talk slowly, I'll go out ..."

No, this topic is too much, she can't listen anymore!

Mu Xiaoxiao ran out of the office.

"Wait for me at the door." Yin Shaojie called her in the back, apparently to finish listening to the popular science about 'pose'.

After a while, Yin Shaoxing came out.

Mu Xiaoxiao's blush had not faded away, but her blush was flushing.

Yin Shaoji went to her, took her shoulders, put her in her ears, and smiled viciously, "Do you want to know, what posture does the doctor say is best?"

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