Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2428: Unforgivable sin (3)

Han Yuner struggled a few times, but the bodyguard did not let go of her.

With a pitiful expression, she said to Yin Shaoji, "Shaoji ... Please call me a doctor. The child in my stomach may be in danger ..."

"The child in the belly?" Yin Shaoxin sneered at her.

Han Yuner only felt a chill in her heart.

Shouldn't he know ...

Mu Xiaoxiao dragged Yin Shaojie and said, "Let her see the doctor first."

"No." Yin Shaojie directly pierced Han Yuner's lies and pointed at her, "She is not pregnant at all!"

Han Yuner's face turned pale.

"No ... I'm pregnant ... I'm really pregnant ..."

This is like her life-saving straw, she must hurry up and not let go.

Yin Shaojie said coldly, "I checked your examination records in this hospital, and you are not pregnant at all!"

Han Yuner took a step, and the whole person was soft. Fortunately, the bodyguards held her up, otherwise her posture would only be more ugly.

"No, I'm really pregnant ... don't believe you ask Mu Xiaoxiao, she knows, she knows I'm pregnant!"

She still hardened her mouth and refused to admit it, even if she had been pierced.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that Han Yuner had lied to himself.

She suddenly realized that she looked at Han Yun'er and pointed out, "I understand. You are saying that you are pregnant intentionally to stimulate me to be infertile, right?"

Therefore, Han Yuner is indeed not pregnant.

Han Yuner's small psychology was thoroughly analyzed, and she was panicked, wondering what to do.

"Say it ... you forgive me, please forgive me, I didn't mean it!"

She has panicked.

What reminded me of Han Xueer's fate.

No, she should not be like Han Xueer!

"I'll spare you?" Yin Shaojii smiled, and Jun Mei's handsome face was very charming. "It was originally possible."

Han Yuner froze, her eyes raised hope.

"But ..." Yin Shaojie glared at her coldly, and beat her into **** in a sentence. "When I found out, you are the murderer who almost killed a little child, you said, will I spare you? "

Han Yuner froze.

"Do not……"

She wanted to say it wasn't me.

Yin Shaoji raised his hand, came over the bodyguard who subdued the man, and put the pills in the man's hand into Yin Shaoji.

"Everything is stolen, what else can you say?"

"What? What is this? I don't know what you're talking about? I don't know this person ..." Han Yuner wanted to scapegoat himself.

Yin Shaoji said, "This is a hospital. As long as you test, you know what the pill is, and this person ... Do you think he will sacrifice himself to protect you?"

Don't wait for him to make a confession, the man is not stupid. Seeing this situation, Han Yuner conspired to make a confession.

"It's her. Miss Han asked me to do this!"

Finger pointed at Han Yuner.

The eyes of everyone present followed his fingers and looked at Han Yuner.

The onlookers who had just been incited to help Han Yunren speak with surprise.

"Oh my God, she is the most vicious ..."

"She wasn't pregnant at all, she was a liar, and she wanted to prevent others from giving birth. How could there be such a vicious woman?"

"We almost lied to her!"

Han Yun'er was still struggling, yelling, "I don't know him at all! It's you, Mu Xiaoxiao, is it you looking for someone to frame me, right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao did not sympathize with her.

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