Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2429: Unforgivable sin (4)

There is no excuse for Han Yuner!

Thinking of the pain I suffered, I thought that I couldn't have children ... That sense of despair was still a bit of a fear.

What's even worse is that Han Yuner also came to stimulate herself, entangled herself again and again.

She should have guessed long ago!

How can there be such a coincidence!

She couldn't give birth anymore, but Han Yuner suddenly said that she was pregnant and repeatedly appeared in front of herself, stimulating her again and again.

From this perspective, Han Yuner's plot is too obvious.

Mu Xiaoxiao said coldly, "Call the police."

The onlookers also shouted angrily, "Alarm! Be sure to call!"

Yin Shao held Mu Xiaoxiao, patted her shoulder, and said, "Relax, you have already called the police."

The general situation has gone, and Han Yun'er is stunned.

The bodyguard no longer held her up, leaving her to slump on the ground.

Han Yuner said, "It's over ..."

What flashed in her mind was Han Xueer's tragic ending.

She doesn't ...

She should not be like Han Xueer.

Don't go to jail!

Han Yun'er looked up at Yin Shaojie, frightened by the ruthlessness in his eyes, and turned his attention to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao is so kind, she is the easiest to soften ...

While the police are not here yet.

Han Yuner rushed over and hugged Mu's small calf.

"Mu Xiaoxiao! I know wrong, I really know wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me? I can't go to jail, I'm still young, I really can't go to jail! Mu Xiaoxiao, I shouldn't be jealous It's your fault, I'm wrong, it's my shamelessness! Please, please let me go ... "

She was still kneeling in front of Mu Xiaoxiao, crying and begging.

Han Yuner performed very well and cried so much that she felt pathetic when others heard her.

"It's my fault. I love too much. I know that it's impossible for me and younger. But I still can't forget him ... What can I do? I don't know what I'm doing ... Sometimes , I'm jealous of you. I feel jealous of myself ... "

"Mu Xiaoxiao ... I really shouldn't hurt you, but fortunately, you're okay ... you can still give birth now, don't you?"

Han Yuner said a lot, and it really aroused the sympathy of some people.

"Yeah, she didn't hurt her. You can still give birth. Just forgive her once. She's very poor."

"It's all men's fault to put it bluntly. Once a woman falls in love, it's so irrational, so you are also wrong. You can't blame her alone."

"She knows she's wrong, just give her a chance. She's still so young. If she goes to jail, everything will be ruined ..."

Yin Shaoyan coldly scanned the others, and spit out two words, "Shut up!"

Everyone suddenly sounded.

At this time, the police rushed over.

When the police understood the situation, they confiscated Han Yuner and took it away.

Han Yun'er still begging, "Mu Xiaoxiao, let me go ... you will forgive me once, just once ... I will definitely be rehabilitated in the future, I will be a good person, I promise you, I Never do bad things! "

Although the onlookers did not dare to speak again, they all whispered and discussed.

Many people think that Mu Xiaoxiao should forgive Han Yuner and give her a chance.

Who didn't make a mistake?

As long as you are willing to repent, will you not?

Everyone's eyes were on Mu Xiaoxiao, waiting for her to speak.

Ke Muxiao was like an iron heart, expressionless.

Seeing that Han Yuner was going to be taken away by the police.

Suddenly someone said, "Wait."

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