Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2438: Why show me this! (1)

"Show someone? Who?" Mu Xiaoxiao was curious.

But Yin Shaojie didn't give her the answer and deliberately dangled her appetite.

"Tell you later."

Mu Xiaoxiao was stirred up with curiosity. "Why did you tell me later? Tell me now."

Yin Shaoyi made a hissing gesture in his mouth. "Take a good video and do a better job."

Mu Xiaoxiao stabbed him dissatisfied.

Yin Shaojie is methodical, first sort the ingredients of various dishes, put them on different plates, and then start washing and chopping vegetables.

I have to say that handsome people are good at this, they are handsome in everything they do.

Especially serious men are more handsome.

Not to mention the man who seriously cooks for you.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he could watch his whole life by looking at Yin Shaojie like this.

Yin Shaojie was chopping vegetables, looked up at the lens, and said, "The lens is off, do you take the picture seriously?"

Just looking at him, he forgot the direction of the camera.

Mu Xiaoxiao put out his tongue.

Song Shijun laughed, took the phone from Mu Xiaoxiao, and said, "Little, let me be a professional to shoot it. You used to shoot Shaojun, I will help you shoot, and shoot both of you . "

Who knows, Han Qiqing pulled him back, "You're stupid, you have to create a dog abuse model for yourself."

Song Shijun froze for a while, as if it were.

Mu Xiaoxiao had already walked over to Yin Shaojiu, and couldn't help but smile when he heard what Qi Qing said.

Song Shijun looked a little worried when he looked at the mobile phone in his hand.

Witty Han Qiqing grabbed the phone and handed it to Ye Sijue, saying, "Yesi Jue, please come and help shoot, you are also a member of the dog abuse, so you are not afraid of being abused, come, Shijun, accompany me to play game."

She is playing well and feels like she will always win, so how can she not play.

Ye Sijue accepted the phone and agreed.

Han Qiqing smiled and said to Mu Xiao's novel, "You two can play cooking rice slowly. It doesn't matter if you eat late. It is better not to go to class in the afternoon."

After speaking, she dragged Song Shijun to the sofa, avoiding the picture of dog abuse.

I have to say that Han Qiqing is the truth.

Yin Shaojie made this video to abuse people.

So Song Shijun was taken by Han Qiqing to accompany her to play games. There were only three people left in the open kitchen.

Ye Sijue stood in front of the cooking table, holding a mobile phone to shoot.

Yin Shaojiu handed the tomatoes to Mu Xiaoxiao, "You can help wash the tomatoes."


There is something to do, Mu Xiaoxiao cheerfully took the tomatoes and took them to the pool.

She put the tomatoes in the pool, then put the water in, waiting on her hips.

The water boiled a bit.

Mu Xiaoxiao just flashed God and found that the water didn't know when it overflowed.

"Ahhh! The water is full! What to do!"

She panicked, and quickly turned off the faucet, but the overflowing water had flowed to the ground, she stepped on the water and almost slipped.

"Be careful!"

Fortunately, Yin Shaojiu held her back in time.

He looked at the "flood" that happened with a blink of an eye.

This girl is indeed a kitchen killer.

"You don't have to help, just go and watch."

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "I'll get a mop and wipe the water away."

Of course, she must be held responsible for her troubles.

However, Yin Shaojiao clasped her waist, hugged her, put her to a clean place, shaved her nose and said, "Stand here not to move, I'll get it."

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