Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2439: Why show me this! (2)

Yin Shaojiu turned and went out. He quickly took a mop and wiped the water stains off the ground.

He picked her up again, took her out of the kitchen, and set it beside Ye Sijue.

"You're watching here, obediently."

He thought about it, and moved the chair over to let her sit down.

Mu Xiaoxiao is a little bit shy. She just accidentally put in too much water. Should she treat her like a dangerous person like this?

Yin Shaoxing returned to the kitchen, washed the tomatoes three or two times, cut them into small pieces, and put them on a plate.

He puts oil in a hot pan and prepares to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Mu Xiaoxiao cried suddenly, "Well, you're not wearing an apron! Take care to stain your clothes."

She jumped out of the chair, ran over, took the apron, walked to him, and put him on.

"That's fine."

Can she still help a little bit?

Mu Xiaoxiao asked for a look of exaggeration.

Yin Shaojii laughed and immediately wanted to kiss her. He put his face over, "Hop."

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately knew it, put his mouth together and kissed his handsome face.

"I'll see you at lunch, come on!"

Yin Shaoji said, "If you're hungry, take some fruit and wash it yourself, but be careful."

I'm afraid she washed the fruit and ‘Shui Man Jin Shan’ again.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "No, I'm going to eat your food with my stomach."

She obediently returned to his position to watch him continue cooking.

Seriously, if it wasn't for her, Yin Shaojiu did not cook at all since he was a child, and he would not cook at all. Seeing his posture at the moment, I really ca n’t tell that he has never cooked.

Yin Shaojiu never forgets, so he remembers all the recipes he has seen before.

He prepared the scrambled eggs with tomatoes in accordance with the steps taught in the recipe.

"Wow." Mu Xiaoxiao approached in amazement and quickly took out her phone to take a picture.

"People who don't know, thought which chef made it!"

Yin Shaoxing's aesthetic ability is very strong, so even the random display looks so beautiful.

Mu Xiaoxiao took many photos.

Yin Shaojiu looked at her with a smile and started to cook the next dish.

When Mu Xiaoxiao saw the fish, he raised his hand and said, "I want to eat boiled fish!"

"No." Yin Shaoxing refused.

Mu Xiaoxiao broke his face, "Why not?"

Yin Shaoxi glanced at her, "What do you say?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed and had to change his tongue and said, "Is that braised fish or squirrel fish OK?"

"No, it's too greasy." Yin Shaojie still refused.

Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, "What are you going to do?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Steamed."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head vigorously, "Don't steam, I don't like steamed fish."

Steamed fish is too light, right?

Yin Shaoji said, "I didn't ask if you like to eat or not, anyway, I made it, and you will eat it."

Mu Xiaoxiao raised her cheek. "You're too domineering ..."

Yin Shaojie looked at her expression at the moment and calmly said, "After a while, you are getting better, and I will give you what you want."

"I'm fine now ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao muttered in a low voice, indicating that he was not righteous.

For steamed fish, Yin Shaoyu also made crabs and shrimps, using the simplest cooking method.

What most surprised Mu Xiaoxiao was the next dish.

Yin Shaojiu actually bought bitter gourd!

"Bitter gourd? Yin Shaojie, don't tell me, this bitter gourd was bought for me." She doesn't like to eat bitter gourd at all!

However, Yin Shaoxu nodded.

"Yes, I bought it for you. You have to eat more later."

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