Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2443: He is not happy (2)

Seeing that she finally closed her eyes, Yin Shaozhen went up and kissed in the corner of her mouth.

He adjusted the temperature of the room to be comfortable, and left the room.

The door of the room is not closed, it is open, so that if there is any movement in the room, he can always pay attention.

Mu Xiaoxiao could also hear the sound of typing on the keyboard in the living room.

With this voice, she fell asleep slowly.

After some time, it was getting dark, and the afterglow was scattered on the clouds.

When Mu Xiaoxiao woke up, he fumbled to get the phone and saw a missed call in the phone.

She got up, opened her sleepy eyes, and saw that her father had called.


Mu Xiaoxiao's consciousness was a little clearer. Look at it a little more clearly. Dad was on the phone an hour ago. Maybe she was sleeping too much at that time. In addition, her cell phone was covered under the pillow. Hear it.

What's wrong with dad calling her?

Maybe it was the ‘almost infertile’ incident that made Mu Xiaoxiao a bit slack. She was afraid her father knew about it, so she hesitated and did n’t call back.

Maybe Dad just wanted to ask how she's been doing recently?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his mobile phone, thinking that Dad was also in the country, but he didn't know which city he was in.

She knew that because of the anniversary of Dad and Mom, Dad must have visited many places full of memories with Mom this time.

It ’s just that I do n’t know if Dad called her. Was it because he was back in City A?

Mu Xiaoxiao hugged the pillow and whimpered, "If Dad knows this ... it must be very angry."

She is not in good health right now, and her father's eyes are so sharp that she can definitely see them.

So she was very entangled, while she wanted her father to be in city A, and she didn't want her to be in city A.

On the one hand, she was afraid that her father was worried, and on the other hand, she was afraid that her father would blame Yin Shaojie, saying that Yin Shaojii did not take good care of her.

After all, Han Yuner targeted Yin Shao because she liked Yin Shaojie.

If Dad thinks that she is not safe with Yin Shaoxing, will she withdraw her marriage contract?

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks this is possible.

Because she knew how much her father hurt her.

From an early age, he only wanted to give her the best, especially after his mother died, and his father put all his love on her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's small head just woke up, and couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

As soon as she woke up, Yin Shaomin noticed.

When he entered the room, he saw her sitting on the bed in a daze, and his expression did not look good.

Mu Xiaoxiao heard Yin Shao's voice and turned to look at him, his face sorrowful.

"Yin Shaoxing, my father called me, I didn't receive it, you said, should I call him back?"

"Why are you hesitant about this?"

Yin Shaojiu caught the point at once.

If it was normal, she would call back immediately, and she would not hesitate at all.

She hesitated, explaining what was difficult for her.

Mu Xiaoxiao came to him and said in a dull voice, "I almost couldn't have children. What if my dad knew about it?"

Although the crisis has been resolved, it is better not to let the elders know.

Hearing this, Yin Shao paused.

Indeed, if Mu Zhengbai was known, would he blame him for not taking good care of him?

Yin Shaojie also worried about this problem.

"Isn't your dad in the country? He might have returned to City A, so he can't avoid it."

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