Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2444: He is not happy (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "It's temporary to be able to hide for a while! I'll quickly adjust my physical condition, and don't let my father see it."

Yin Shaojiu's thin lips pressed against her forehead.

"What do you want to eat at night? I'll cook it for you."

In fact, he wanted to take her back to Yin's house for dinner, so that the chef could boil some soup for her body, but he couldn't go back yet.

She didn't look very good, depending on his mother's eyesight and caring about little, she would definitely ask.

When asked when it is time to lie.

If you lie, you will lie.

Thinking about it, it ’s safer not to go back.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his head from his arms, looked at him for a while, and said, "It's too hard to cook rice. Don't cook it, let's eat out."

Yin Shaojie vetoed it, insisting, "I won't eat it outside, I will cook it for you. It's not hard, just say what you want to eat."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, pursed his lips, "I want to eat, but you won't let me eat ..."

It's useless to say that.

Yin Shaojie chuckled, "Can't you think of some light vegetables?"

Mu Xiaoxiao crooked his head and thought hard.

But she almost hollowed her head, and still couldn't remember any light dishes.

All the food she likes to eat are heavy.

It's either spicy or fried.

"I want to eat fried chicken ..." she muttered.

"No." Yin Shaojie vetoed.

She flattened her mouth. "I want to have soy pork ribs ..."

"No." Yin Shaojiu still didn't let up.

Her small face was depressed and she simply said, "Otherwise you can give me cake, and I'll just have cake."

Yin Shaoji said, "This is even worse, you need to eat normally."

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "then feel free, don't worry about bitter gourd anyway."

"Sorry, bitter gourd juice is a must." Yin Shaoxiao smiled.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face collapsed instantly, "Why ... I do n’t like to eat, but I do n’t like to eat ... What is the significance of such a life?"

"You're good, bear with you, wait for your health, I'll buy you what you want, okay?" Yin Shaoxin touched her head and comforted.

He added, "And you just said, you need to adjust your physical condition quickly."

Mu Xiaoxiao's hunch was getting stronger.

She thought that Dad would probably return to City A and would come to her at any time.

So she finally compromised.

Bitter gourd!


Han family.

A cold and tall figure appeared in the porch, and he heard the servant bend over and called, "Master, welcome back."

The housekeeper heard the voice and greeted him.

"Master, you are back."

It's really early today for the young master to return.

The steward didn't know what was coming to his eyes and subconsciously looked at the kitchen.

"Where is Xiaoqing?" Asked the cold voice.

The steward laughed. "As soon as the lady came back today, she went into the kitchen and is now making soup."


The cold and tall figure didn't say anything. After giving the briefcase to the housekeeper, he went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen.

Han Qiqing's small figure can be seen at a glance, she is staring at the soup in the pot, scooping out a spoonful, and taste the taste.

"Whoo, it's hot!"

It looks like his tongue is hot, and Han Qiqing spit out his tongue like a small animal.

There was a low laugh behind him.

Han Qiqing suddenly felt something, and when he looked back, he met his brother's black eyes with a smile.

"Uh ... brother, are you back?"

"Well." He walked behind her, tall and almost covering her petite.

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