Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2447: Make up for them (2)

The running water from the faucet washed away the red juice from the fingers, revealing a clear wound. The blood on the wound was washed away by the water, but new blood soon leaked out.

"Here comes the medicine chest!"

A servant hurriedly came over holding the medicine chest.

"It's so careless to cut a fruit." The cold voice rebuked, but when the medicine box was delivered, he quickly took out the hemostatic medicine and cotton from the inside and treated her wound.

Han Qiqing looked at him with a stunned expression, and his face was aggrieved.

The kitchen lady on the side explained worriedly, "Master, don't blame Miss, Miss wants to cut fruit for you, all blame me, you should not let Miss do it, blame me."

Some maids also apologized and said, "Master, it's not good for me. I don't like Miss, please blame me."

Frightened by the master's expression, Han's servants were afraid that he would blame Han Qiqing.

Han Qiqing shook his head and said, "Brother, it's not their fault, it's because I just didn't pay attention, so I got it."

"What are you thinking?" My brother's tone was a little less cold.

Han Qiqing pursed his lips and hesitated before saying, "I ... I wanted to make a dish for you. I was thinking whether you like sweet and sour pork, or boiled fish ..."

It turned out to be so flashy.

My brother looked at her with a softer look. "It's okay, but don't make it today, eat."

"Oh." Han Qiqing nodded smartly.

She thought to herself, since her brother said it would be okay, then next time she will cook both dishes for her brother?

He took her to the sofa in the living room.

Han Qiqing made a gesture to signal the servant to stay away.

My brother asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Han Qiqing nodded, and looked at no one around him before he got in front of him, and whispered, "Brother, that ... Today's soup, because Xiaoxiao is in poor health these two days, and then she doesn't want Yin family to worry about her, so she didn't Whoever said that, so I thought, give her a chicken soup and ask her to make up for it. I hope she will recover soon. "

"Um." Brother nodded.

Han Qiqing carefully looked at his brother's expression and distinguished his current mood.

"So, that ... brother, do you want to taste the soup I cooked? If you feel it is delicious, I will cook it for you next time and make a special trip for you."

Added another sentence later.

"Um." My brother answered quietly.

Han Qiqing thought, my brother is willing to drink her soup, should I feel better?

She waved to the maid not far away and said, "Come over a bowl of soup."

But my brother said, "No."

Han Qiqing thought he refused again, and his face fell down. "Brother, don't you really want to try the soup I cooked? It's really delicious, I promise it to be delicious."

"Don't say don't drink," the brother said to the servant, "let's have dinner."

He took the bun Han Qiqing to the restaurant, opened the chair and let her sit down.

He sat to her side.

The maid quickly served the dishes to the table.

Han Qiqing smiled when he saw his soup. He stood up and gave it to his brother, but he stopped him.

"Sit down, and the maid will be fine."

"Oh." Han Qiqing answered, sitting obediently.

During the meal, it was clear that she cut her left hand and chopsticks was her right, but her brother still gave her vegetables time and time again, as if she hurt her hand.

Han Qiqing laughed particularly well.

Moreover, my brother drank two bowls of soup she cooked!

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