Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2448: Make up for them (3)

"Brother, does my soup taste delicious?" She asked a few times.

"Um." My brother responded softly. Although he didn't give a clear answer, Han Qiqing wit automatically translated into "good drink".

After eating, my brother went to the study.

After a while, Han Qiqing held the math exercise book and knocked at the door of the study.

"Brother, can I come in?"


Waiting for the answer, Han Qiqing pushed in the door and said with a flattering smile, "Brother, I have several questions that I won't do. Can you teach me?"

"Yes." Brother nodded.

Han Qiqing held the math exercise book, opened it, and handed it to him.

"It's these big questions. It's super difficult."

The elder brother explained to her that she was gradually tired and didn't know when she was squeezed into the elder brother's chair.

Although the leather chair is spacious, it is a bit reluctant to take two people.

After speaking a question, my brother looked up and asked her, "Do you understand?"

Han Qiqing blinked, "It seems ... understood."

Should understand?

"Looks like?" My brother was holding her in a questioning tone.

Han Qiqing coughed, "Will you explain it to me again?"

She moved her hips backwards, trying to sit still.

Then he realized that the two were crowded on the same chair, and she was uncomfortable.

"You sit here." He got up, ready to move a chair over.

Han Qiqing stood up suddenly, grabbed his arm, shook his head and said, "No, no, brother, please sit, I'll just stand."

He said, "I expect that you still don't understand again, just sit down."

Han Qiqing put out his tongue.

He went and moved a chair.

Han Qiqing sat smartly on a leather chair.

He continued to explain to her.

On the way, his cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and picked it up. He didn't seem to wait for the other party to finish speaking, and said directly, "Push."

Han Qiqing hung a big question mark over his head and looked at him.

The brother turned his attention back to her and said, "Continue, you do it first and see which step won't work. I'll explain it to you."

"Oh." Han Qiqing responded.

She lowered her head to do the question.

Because this big question was a bit difficult, she spent a short time, and after finishing it, she pushed it to him.

Little face hung up.

"The first step was right, the second step was wrong, and everything below was wrong," he said.

Han Qiqing lost his face, "Then ... you tell me again? I can understand it this time!"

"You understand, but you're wrong."

He explained to her for the third time.

Han Qiqing was full of confidence this time and spent just half of the time solving the problem.

She looked at him with anticipation, a small face waiting for praise.

He said, "The previous steps are all right ..."

Han Qiqing hung a bright smile, waiting for victory cheers.

He said, "But the answer is wrong."

Han Qiqing's bent mouth collapsed, "The answer is wrong? Why?"

The elder brother counted her, and the nib was wanton and chic.

Within seconds, a standard answer was written.

At a glance, Han Qiqing knew where he was wrong.

The brother reached out and rubbed her little head and said, "Although the answer is wrong, the steps are correct, indicating that you have learned this question, but don't be careless during the exam, and count more times."

Han Qiqing said, "Huh!"

Tonight, she took her study seriously and did not complain that it took too long to review.

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