Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2454: Did he confess to you? (1)

This matter is very tightly concealed!

So, how did Lu Yichen know?

Lu Yichen looked at her expression, probably realized something, there were too many people nearby, obviously it was not convenient to talk deeply.

He nodded and said, "I'll explain this to you before going to class."

Coincidentally, the bell rang in class.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and now she wondered what was going on.

But looking around, there are indeed too many people.

Lu Yichen is still cautious.

Fortunately, she has been to the hospital several times before, so the people in the school should not pay too much attention to this.

Lu Yichen turned his eyes to Yin Shaoyan, nodded politely, and left for the third-grade teaching building.

Yin Shaojie's dark eyes were slightly sinking, making people not see what he was thinking.

Suddenly, his hand took Mu Xiao's hand and said quietly, "Let's go, it's time to go to class."

"Oh." Mu Xiaoying responded and waved with Han Qiqing. "See you after school."

Han Qiqing waved his hands subconsciously, then suddenly remembered, "Why, Yin Shaoyi, where are you going? Our classroom is here ..."

Without finishing talking, Song Shijun knocked his head down.

"Let's leave them alone."

This girl, Yin Shaomin is going to send Xiao Xiao to the classroom, can't she see it?

Han Qiqing was reminded by him, and then he came over.

"I'm tired at noon, and I want to send it to the classroom in the last lesson?" Han Qiqing shook her head and sighed. "Single dogs can't understand the world of couples."

Song Shijun laughed, "When you fall in love, I guess you will also want to be tired with the person you like for 24 hours."

With Qi Qing's character, it is definitely possible.

Han Qiqing shook his head and said with certainty, "I wouldn't be so nasty!"

Song Shijun said, "This is not called flax."

Han Qiqing said, "This isn't called Naoma?"

Song Shijun explained, "If you like someone, you naturally want to be with each other. This is instinctive, so it is not called nauseating. For example ... forget it, you are still a single dog, and you do n’t understand it."

Originally I wanted to use her like Lu Yichen as an example, but think about it, forget it, don't poke the girl's pain point.

Han Qiqing said dissatisfied, "You are also a single dog, how can you discriminate against a single dog?"

Song Shijun said, "Then I ask you, when you like someone, don't you want to be with him all the time?"

There was a hint in his words.

Han Qiqing tilted his head and thought, "Well ... I don't think ... I have such a thought."

"No?" Song Shijun was a little surprised. "Don't you like ... then who? When you liked him, didn't you have that idea?"

Han Qiqing asked, "Who then? Who do I like?"

Song Shijun rolled his eyes, "Lu Yichen! Don't you forget who you like?"

This girl, everyone is out of state today.

Han Qiqing suddenly said, "Oh, he, but ... I didn't think of him like that, ah! I think of it, I think of being alone with her every moment."

"Who?" Song Shijun wondered, did Qi Qing have other people he likes?

Han Qiqing grinned, "Little! I want to be with Xiao when I am in class, I want to be with Xiao after school, and after I go home, I also think if Xiao can be with me, I want to She also sleeps together at night, and the two can talk about each other. "

Song Shijun, "..."

He didn't know what expression to use.

He murmured, "I think you like little more than others."

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