Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2455: Did he confess to you? (2)

Han Qiqing was not ashamed but proud, he smiled.

"You can ask Xiaoxiao if she has an elder brother or something, maybe her family is hiding an elder brother? Then you can marry and your dream will come true." Said.

Han Qiqing touched his chin and nodded very cooperatively. "This is fine, you can see how beautiful Xiaoxiao is. If she has an elder brother, she will be very handsome! OK, OK, I am willing to marry!"

Talking, still look like crazy.

Song Shijun was speechless and shoved her head.

"Do you want to be shameless? Don't say that Xiaoxi has no brother. Even if he does, people will not look at you!"

It's silly to be alone there.

Han Qiqing pouted, "How do you know that you don't look at me? You see, I can cook, my character is good, um ..."

I'm so sad that I can't find words, I'm really sad!

Song Shijun knew her too well, and at a glance she saw that she couldn't find words to boast about herself, and then sneered, "You still compare yourself to Xiao Xiao. If Xiao Xiao really has a brother, that's based on Xiao Xiao. "

Han Qiqing sighed and spread his hand, saying, "Then there is no way, I think I can't be too small."

After all, they are their good sisters, of course, to say so.

Song Shijun nodded, "You still know very well, this is also an advantage."

Han Qiqing glanced over and couldn't help kicking him.

"Song Shijun! If you don't hurt me one day, you won't feel comfortable, will you?"

Song Shijun laughed, "Do you know now?"

Han Qiqing wants to kick him again.

"Stop, don't run if you have the skills."

Of course, Song Shijun has to run. Isn't he stupid and was kicked by her while standing?

But he also ran extremely careless, and let her catch up after a while.

Song Shijun clasped her neck and asked, "What about me?"

"What?" Han Qiqing was held up by him like this, and he really couldn't kick him if he wanted to kick him. This guy is really cunning.

Song Shijun smiled and said, "To be counted strictly, you spend the most time with me, right?"

Han Qiqing thought about it and nodded. "Forget it."

Song Shijun said honestly, "So strictly speaking, in fact, you prefer to stay with me, right?"

Han Qiqing was almost fooled by him and responded accordingly.

She gave a meal, shook her head and said, "No! Do you think I want it? I have no choice!"

Song Shijun's face suddenly stiffened. "What did you say? I'll give you a chance, you say it again."

The look of gritted teeth seemed to be angry.

"Uh ..." Han Qiqing paused for a while, and couldn't tell whether he was angry or still teasing her.

Of course she was joking.

She thought he knew she was joking.

Han Qiqing thought about it for a while, and thought it was a joke. What should I do if I accidentally hurt my feelings?

Some things ca n’t be joked casually.

Especially for friends who are sincere.

You can't ignore the feelings of the other person just because it's funny.

Han Qiqing smiled flatly and said, "Of course ... it's not true! What you say is what it is!"

Song Shijun smiled, as if satisfied with the answer.

Han Qiqing looked at him cheerfully and cursed, "Childish!"

However, it is hard to see his naive side.

Han Qiqing has known him for so many years and has seen him look different in front of different people. Because of his family background in politics, he is actually a very sophisticated person.

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