Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2471: He was slapped (2)

"So there are not so many things today, and those in the school will not come up with the last name you like before, such a ridiculous guess!" Yin Shaojie said seriously.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Okay, okay, it's all her fault, it's all her fault, okay?

Yin Shaoyi continued, "Now you say, how do you compensate me? You painted for the surname Lu, but you didn't paint it for me. Do you treat your boyfriend and fiance like this, don't you regret it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She couldn't help feeling that Qi Qing said that Yin Shaojie was the king of Asian vinegar, which was so descriptive!

This jealous ... It's terrible!

She said, "I have already painted ... I can't let time go backwards, what do you say? What do you say, how do you want me to compensate you?"

She had already proposed a plan, but he was not satisfied.

Yin Shao squinted his eyes, picked up the phone, and clicked the screen.

"I think the proposal from that post is good."

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao did not respond for a moment, "Which proposal?"

Yin Shaoyan said without changing his face, "It's the one with naked paintings."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Yin Shaoji said rightfully, "Look, you drew an avatar for the surname Lu, but I ca n’t treat your boyfriend and fiance the same way, right? At least you have to paint me a whole body."

"Okay, then paint the whole body." Mu Xiao agreed in a hurry.

Yin Shaojie did not speak so well, and continued to say, "Wait, I have n’t finished, you painted it for him first. There is really no way to reverse it, so you have to compensate me, right? I want to paint naked pictures Should you meet my requirements? "

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Anyway, he just wanted her to paint him naked!

This guy is too shameless!

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know if he was teasing her or really.

She hoped he was teasing her ...

"Nude ... Oh, I haven't painted this way, I don't know how to paint." Mu Xiaoxiao was so distraught that he couldn't imagine how he would be naked in front of her and let her paint him.

How to draw it!

This picture, just thinking about it, burst her heartbeat.

No, she can't!

Yin Shaoji said rightly, "I remember, anyone who studies painting will learn body painting, right? I don't believe you haven't."

However, thinking about it this way, I thought she had seen other people's naked bodies and painted this kind of paintings for other people, and that model might be a man! He was particularly upset.

Regardless, he wants her to paint him naked anyway.

No, you have to!

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly explained, "Yes, I usually learn body painting, but I really haven't painted it. I ... I'm always shy. When I have a mannequin, I don't go."

Foreign countries are more open, so it is common to find individuals with naked bodies for everyone to paint.

But she always has the Chinese conservative in her bones.

Let her see the smooth body of others, she really can't do it, so every time this time, she asked the teacher for leave, and didn't go to class.

So she has never painted!

Yin Shaojie watched her explain it so seriously. He understood her personality, indicating that she had never painted.

This made him very satisfied.

"That's right, you paint for me, that's the first time you've painted this, so it's even more straightforward for you to help with the painting of the surname Lu first." Yin Shaoyu increasingly felt that this idea was good, so he insisted very much, must She painted this **** picture for herself.

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