Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2472: He was slapped (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa with her knees in her arms, her delicate face was tangled.

How to do……

Would you like to promise?

Yin Shaoxian's expression of "I don't force you", she asked him what compensation he wanted, and he had already said, depending on whether she would coax him.

Mu Xiaoxiao would like to simply agree, but then he swallowed it.

No, she really can't help it!

"Woohoo, you are so good, why are you embarrassing me like this ..."

What is bad to paint, but to paint naked!

Yin Shaojiao approached her with her upper body and said with a grudge, "Who asked you to help him first? You can paint it. I am your boyfriend and fiance. Shouldn't you paint it for me first? I am not jealous. He drew. "

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and looked very depressed.

"actually, I……"

Yin Shaojiao got closer and wanted to hear what she said.

His tall body almost shrouded the petite her.

But at this time, his cell phone rang.

He didn't want to answer, but took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and then answered.

After learning that Gu Pingyuan returned to China, he sent someone to follow him secretly.

After all, Gu Pingyuan now has a relationship with terrorists. Yin Shaojie intuitively felt that Gu Pingyuan would have any big moves, so he had to stare at Gu Pingyuan before he felt relieved.

This call was made by the person following Gu Pingyuan.

Yin Shaoji touched Mu Xiao's head and said, "I take a call, you think about it slowly."

Mu Xiaoxiaobian flat mouth.

Yin Shaoji went and answered the phone. After a while, he walked back and said, "I'm going out. You are good at home. I'll be back when I'm busy. During this period, you have to think about it for me. When I come back, you Just give me a reply, OK? "


For the first time Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want him to come back so early.

"Good, kiss one."

Yin Shaojie's big hand was propped up on the sofa handle, and she leaned over to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips.

Yin Shaojie was very satisfied, got up to get the coat, and walked out while wearing the coat.

He asked, "Should I buy you a cake when I return?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said without hesitation, "Yes!"

Yin Shaojie laughed, "Aren't you afraid of eating a chubby pig?"

I have eaten a lot of cakes in the past few days. It feels like she has a little more flesh than before.

Of course, he likes it.

The height difference between the two people, he held her and felt like a small one, and now she was a little bit fleshy, and she was not so small.

So he was happy to let her eat more cakes.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard him say this, he was tangled, but it was really difficult to resist the temptation of strawberry cake.

"Well, you obediently at home, I'll buy it for you."

Yin Shaoji said and went out.

Mu Muxiao was left alone in the apartment.

She hugged the pillow, and fell into a daze on the sofa, wondering what she was thinking.

Thinking about it, his eyes lightened.

I remembered shouting, "Right!"

She muttered something, as if she had hope, her face was full of joy.

Mu Xiaoxiao threw away the pillow, jumped off the sofa, and ran to find his bag.

Looking through the bag, I didn't find what I wanted. I just dumped everything out of the bag.

Still not found.

"That might be in the classroom ..."

How to do it?

Go get it!

With this thing, maybe Yin Shaoyu could be coaxed, so there is no need to paint that **** painting.

Mu Xiaoxiao grew more and more happy, and couldn't care about being obliged to stay in the apartment just after Yin Shaoxing was told. She quickly took the coat and went out.

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